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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/central-md.

Central Maryland Railfanning

B&O Herald

Welcome to my home at Train Web. What I have here is a guide to looking at some train things in central Maryland, which for the sake of argument I'm limiting anything within about an hour's drive from Columbia (not that I live there, or would even want to for that matter). I've also included sections on two somewhat further out areas: Cumberland and the area around Strasburg, PA. Both of these can be done as rather extended day trips and merit the extra drive. Areas that I would like to expand coverage on include the Maryland Midland and the ex-B&O line between Harper's Ferry and Cumberland, although the latter is less easily accessible.

I shold point out three things. First, this is is less aimed at train watching than at seeing railroad structures. I've also not really said much about photography because that's not something I've devoted a lot of time to. Finally, I don't have a scanner, and anyway, there are other people keeping track of frequencies.

If you have a chance before you go looking, read Impossible Challenge or Impossible Challenge II by Herbert Harwood, the definitive histories of this section of the B&O. If you choose to refer to the first, be aware that a lot has happened since the book was written. In particular, check his road directions against a map! In some areas, road construction has made his directions obsolete.

I am in the process of transcribing a B&O/C&O operating rulebook dated 1969. This is a work in progess and may not be completed for some time. I was also working on the very first Chessie system timetable for the area, but this has been stolen from my car, so work on it will have to halt until I can obtain a new copy.

Farewell to CPL Signals
Approach Slow

A mid-September 2001 trip down the Met Sub to Brunswick showed that new signal installation is underway. At Brunswick itself there were no changes as of yet, but at Barnesville and Point of Rocks, new color light signals were in evidence, needing only to be turned on.

CPL Signals were always something that appealed to me on the B&O. They are easy to read and distinctive, and one of those B&O eccentricities.

Approach Slow

I have another site elsewhere for those who might be interested in my roses or my music.

Sorry, no frames until I move off TrainWeb..

There has been considerable discussion concerning police harrassment of railfanning. I am sorry I cannot offer much in the way of advice on this. Much of the area described here lies in public parks, and one can hardly be accused of "loitering" there, but it is possible that you may be stopped on an ordinary public street (and of course if you are tresspassing).

Site last updated November 2004 to correct some links and info

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