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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/chilisub.
BNSF Chillicothe Subdivision Website
If you have not noticed
yet, the BNSF Chillicothe website has gotten a recent face-lift. I'm going
to try to work behind the scenes in the next few weeks and give
the page a more conventional look. Please feel free to send any
comments or suggestions to me, at
Also, if you have any information on the Chillicothe Subdivision that you
think would be of interest or help, please email me! I want to ensure accuracy
with this site, and there's no better way to do that than with actual
railfans. (Again, I'd like to stress that I'm very busy cleaning up the
site. I found that there were a lot of dead links to places and pictures
that could not be enlarged. This will be changing soon. Please stand by
as the other pages are gradually converted to the "new" colors and layout.
Until then, enjoy and let me know if you have any comments.)
This site is dedicated to the BNSF's
ex-Santa Fe mainline from Chicago, IL to Fort Madison, IA. Although I am
going to try to include as much pictures and information from different
locations in and around the Chillicothe Subdivision, it's impossible for
me to completely cover this subject. It's for this reason that I'll begin
to put a major effort into the Santa Fe archives and the BNSF archives.
(You'll eventually be able to use these archives as a place to find prototypical
pictures of locomotives, rolling stock, diesel shops, yards, intermodal
centers and all other information pertaining to the Santa Fe or the
BNSF.) I'll also try, (in time), to get the Prototype Modeling Page under
wraps. As of now it's very limited, but hopefully that'll change shortly.
If you happen to have HO scale model pics and you would be interested in
having them posted on this site, please send me an email inluding the picture
of the model and any information pertaining to it. The only thing that
I ask is that it is your own model and not someone elses. .
Click on the Santa Fe herald to go to a specific webpage.
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Chillicothe Depot
Located on Santa Fe Road, the Chillicothe Depot was once
used by Amtrak daily, with the Southwest Chief stopping there on
its way to Los Angeles. Today the depot is a vacant building adjacent to
a small BNSF worker's shed.
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The bridge and the curve at Dahinda make it a great mid-afternoon
spot to catch westbounds coming across the bridge.
One of the most open areas around the Chillicothe area,
Edelstein hill is directly west of Chillicothe and serves as a great place
to get overhead shots of trains approaching the Edelstein bridge from the
east and west.
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Toluca, which is located about forty minutes east of
Chillicothe is a great place to railfan...if you have a telephoto lens!
The very noticable Mount Toluca was once used to dig for coal. It rises
some 300+ feet above the town of Toluca and makes for great shots over
the BNSF mainline.
With a population slightly larger than six, Leeds is
located a few miles away from Ancona. There's not much to Leeds other than
a farm or two and the trains, and it's possible to get decent overhead
shots from a hill-bank on the outskirts of town.
Santa Fe Diesel Archives
Very small now, but hopefully in time it will be a place
for good detail and roster shots of locomotives still surviving in the
ever rare Warbonnet scheme.
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A small list of links to other sites of interest. |
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Contents of the BNSF Chillicothe Subdivision website
are copyright 2000 by Justin Lindsay
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