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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/chilisub.
The Chillicothe Depot is
located on Santa Fe Way, (great name!), is the former Amtrak station. (I
was emailed a more comprehensive description of the Chillicothe Depot from
an ex-Chillicothe Resident, and as soon as I get the time, I will post
what they had to say.)
At one time, the Chillicothee Station
was a busy station for passengers goint to and from Peoria, Illinois, but
now it is nothing more than a vaccant building. To the right of the double
mainline, there was once a large yard and a small facility where engine
where held and sometimes repaired. Now, unfortunately it is nothing
more than a small two track siding for freight cars servicing nearby industry's
which you can see in the right hand corner of the picture above. |
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Ex-Santa Fe 911 was sitting at at the west
end of the Chillicothe yard. ATSF 911 was waiting for an eastbound intermodal
train to pass on the number one track. |
BNSF 8628 was the second unit behind ATSF
911. Surprisingly this unit appears to have been cleaned recently. Wow! |
This train caught me off guard. We were expecting
to see a normal auto rack train, but I was more than surprised to
see an entire train of BNSF automax carriers. This train was over a mile
long, and was full of brand new BNSF automax cars. I have another picture
of this train from head-on and the rear-end. Hopefully I will get those
scanned soon. |
This is the train that passed the parked ATSF
911. |
Penrtex has a pretty good video that concentrates
on the ex-Santa Fe mainline. You can click on the image below to go to
the Pentrex site...
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