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Meeting Room Opens at 7:30PM and meeting begins at 8:00 PM
----------VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME!-----------
President: Robert Weisenberger: Vice President: Charles Christian: Treasurer: Ronald
Leitch; Secretary: Mark Adamcik: Trustees: Gary Dillon, Chris Vlisides, Richard Novak


There will be no program this evening, but instead we will have our ANNUAL CHRITMAS PARTY. Member Bruce Young will again host this and bring all the basic food and drinks and set them up. However, members are urged to bring a little of something extra to add to the table. The best bet would be deserts, baked beans, salads, bakery. Nothing too elaborate or expensive, just a little extra to make this one great wild party. Santa Claus will not be there this evening as he is bus in North Pole making Lionel Trains. If any of you have rail items you wish to share with the others bring them along. Things like books, photos, newspaper articles, hardware, timetables, etc, to share with the others.

Meeting was called to order at 8:15 PM by President Wiesenberger. Minutes for the October meeting were approved as printed in the club bulletin. Treasurers report for the month of October was given by member Richard Novak as follows; Beginning balance $795.05. Income; none. Expenses $36.70; Net Worth $758.35. Dick Novak reports that member and Treasurer Ron Leitch is doing well with his wife, Mary is slowly improving. There was one guest, Martin Surfyk. Under Old business Bob Wiesenberger suppled an April 1955 NYC Railroad timetable which showed that their train, the New England States, did carry coaches. Member Bruce Young mentioned that a U.S., subscription for the English Modern Tramways magazine as mentioned in last months meeting was $59.00 in US funds. Under new business, concerning the December Christmas Party, a motion was made by D. McKay and seconded by C. Christian to instruct Bruce Young to supply a party tray for the party. Motion passed unanimously. A motion was made by member Bruce Young to set dues for the year 2001 at $10.00. This was seconded by J. McMullen and passed by a vote of Eight to Four. Trustees were reminded to come up with a slate of candidates for office in the year 2001. There was no report from member Dave Mangold on the proposed club website. Member Bruce Young mentioned that the cheapest Cleveland to Chicago fare was on Amtrak train No. 43 and the most expensive on Train #49-449. Meeting was adjourned at 8:44 PM. Respectully submitted, Mark J. Adamcik, Secv.

Amtrak has started to take delivery of 85 new locomotives from G.E., Model P-42. It also placed orders for 100 new express boxcars from Trinity Industries, said cars to be build in their Springfield, Missouri factory. On the Hiawatha Service, Amtrak started a 30 day experiment of cart snack and beverage services in mid September. Acela Express publicity run will be on November 16th. They have had very favorable press coverage. COMMUTER RAIL; September 16th saw the start of Seattle-Tacoma commuter rail service. And the Richland Hills extension of the Dallas Trinity railway express was also started up with 6000 daily riders.

Please add the following address to your 2000 membership list; Dave McKay, 1322 Avondale Road, South Euclid, Ohio 44121, Phone: (216) 381-4619. Dave was inadvertantly left off the list. BLACKPOOL, ENGLAND tram No. 147 has been returned to Trolleyville in America after a 33 year stay there. The top deck of this doubledecker car arrived in Blackpool on October 21, and the bottom deck, two days later. The two halves were quickly united and transferred to the Blackpool fitting shop for assessment. Local Blackpool television covered the even and showed the vehicle looking quite shabby and unkempt minus internal fittings which were removed at Trolleyville by the Blackpool transport team overseeing the move. It is understood much of the sponsership funding required to ensure the overhaul and return No. 127 back to Blackpool service has been raised. ALONG WITH THIS ISSUE you will find a copy of the newspaper article from 1958 so graciously supplied by Bill Vigrass. I finally located it hidding under a magazine! NORTHERN OHIO RAILWAY MUSEUM has just finished its new maintenance building except for floor and electrical work. It is 36 feet wide, 72 feet long and 14 feet high. The front has two 12 foot by 12 foot overhead doors and a entry door. It is of pole construction with a shingled roof. The building connects to the carbarn. One side of the building will have a concrete floor and the other side will have a track going to it and will be stoned even with the rail and concrete floor. There will be about 100ft of stoned track running out from the building. Most of the work was contracted out. The museum has also acquired some good pieces of rail equipment which will make it much easier for the working crews. REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY is going to replace the West 69th St Rapid station. Although it will remain on West 61st St the RTA plans to replace the present station with a 4 million dollar street level facility on the Lorain Ave. side. It will be larger, more visible and safer that the present building. Demolition of four present buildings between Lorain Ave., and the right of way ravine will begine this month. RTA will build a plaza and possibly a new post office on the site. Also to be developed will be "Eco-Village" a new development of trendy townhouses that the locals can not afford.

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