Philippe Cousyn's S Scale Layout

S Scale Model Railroading in France!

edited by Craig S. O'Connell

The setting for Philippe's layout is Lakeside a large multiscale modular benchwork (244 cm X 122 cm). As a Sante Fe fan he has modeled a portion of New Mexico's high desert. The setting is Lakeside in the NM desert. The front scenery and the hamlet of Lakeside is in 1/48 but all the background and the trains are 3/16 to add depth to the scene. This scene is a part of a large modular layout sometimes picked up to shows in France and Europe.
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The name of this one is Warbonnet 1. This is a L-A (AB) set of the dual service modernized F7 #302 L and un modernized F3B #17B of the ATSF (River Raisin/Overland models I've painted two years ago). Those unit were pressed sometimes in the 60's on Freight services.

F7 302L shots on the cut at the right corner of the module. I'll
probably re-do the nose cause I wish to backdate the model to the early
50's now, so I've to remove the lifting rings, rebuild the pilot, change
the windshield wipers (too thick), rebuild the center tanks and add the
skirting. Some work for this end of winter!
Here come the steam; Engine in it's early form as Omnicom Erie G 15 460 number 205. Pretty unusual in western setting but it's really a neat
engine. The building at left is the Lakeside Borax Co. At right some of
the prototype trackside details I've modelled and now sold in USA trough BTS.
Another steam scene. The same engine in ATSF dress in the fictitious 505 class. This class only rostered two engine from the former Taos and Santa Fe railway a small railroad linking the two namesake towns merged in the ATSF in the 20's (fictitious too!but sounds great to me). The foreground details and the buidings are in 1/48 th to add depth.
Please note that all photos are from my friend and New York Central fan, Jean Luc Collard.


Be sure not to miss Philippe's S Scale Diorama - Lakeside

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