S Electronics

This page includes info on power packs, train signals, DCC, lighting, meters, motors and more...

By Craig S. O'Connell

Changes last made on

May 21, 2009.



NEW WEBSITE! Signalogic Systems This company does most of its work in HO but it is now moving into other scales and hopes to have their first S scale order finished soon. They have moved away from building models and are focused on providing the best control systems instead.

Kevin Rudko
Signalogic Systems
3706 130A Ave NW
Edmonton, AB T5A 5A4 CANADA

NJ International .... New Signal Announcement ... 3 New S Scale SA Type Target Signals ... Signals Are All Brass, Exact Scale, With Bi-Color LEDs

No. 4345 Single Target $22.99

No. 4351 Double Target $25.99

No. 4355 Ground Target $25.99
With fully detailed opening cabinet door


Upper Quadrant 3 Position Semaphore in S Scale (April 2007)

All brass, exact scale, two differen blades and features opening relay cabinet door
S Scale   #4303   $39.99  


N.J. International is releasing two expansion items for their #8000 Servo Master activation system. (January, 2007)

#8001    Expander Kit             $59.99  #8002    Optical Sensor Kit     $24.99   
These Expander Kits will convert the basic #8000 Servo Master system to a
Bi-Directional System for up to 4 tracks .
For Bi-Directional Operation  
1 Track    Basic #8000 Servo Master
2 Track    #8000 Servo Master + #8001 Expander Kit
3 Track    #8000 Servo Master + Two #8001 Expander Kits
4 Track    #8000 Servo Master +Two #8001 Expander Kits + #8002 Sensor Kit    

SERVO MASTER Activation System   For Crossing Gates & Semaphores in all Scales - Item #8000          $119.99 (as of 3/21/06)

Each system is capable of operating 2 Crossing Gates with flashing lites or 2 Semaphores
For Crossing Gates the system will operate as a-Bi-directional system for single track installations
Uni-directional system for dual track installations

S Scale Switch Stands. Exact scale, all brass, lighted, operating...5 styles @$13.99 each (price as of April, 2004)

S gauge crossbucks, finely detailed, all brass and lighted with LEDs in both directions. #4095, $39.95 per pair (price as of April, 2004). Through a special arrangement with Dallee Electronics NJ International is offering these Crossbucks pre-packaged with their Grade Crossing Electronics in three different configurations.
With the basicFlasher (#367- $55.99), withFlasher-DT(#549 -$74.99) which includes detection or with the Grade Crossing Controllerw/bell sounds (#587 - $135.99) Some prices effective October 1, 2003.

Try the volt and amperage meters for American Flyer trains: prices as of October, 1999.

  • #8360 Volt Meter 20-0-20 Scale Reading $16.99
  • #8361 Amp Meter 5-0-5 Scale Reading $14.99
  • Or try the S scale crossing gates #4161 (2 gates per package) priced at $49.95 a set.

Also manufactures other S scale products and switch machines, street lamps, signals, electrical accessories, wire, panel meters, etc... mostly HO supplies but many are applicable for S or all gauges of model railroading.

If You Would Like A Complete Listing Of Their Products Send A SASE #10 Business Sized Envelope To:

N. J. International, Inc.
P. O. Box 99
East Norwich, NY 11732
Ph (516) 922-0010
E-mail: orders@njinternational.com



Z-Stuff for Trains NEW for S Scale - Smart Signals.

We are happy to announce that our popular trackside smartSignals will soon be available for S-Gauge. We are reducing the height of our DZ-1040 upper and lower quadrant semaphores, our DZ-1050 3-color and our DZ-1060 7-light Pennsy style signals. They are unique in that each signal has a sensor built-in to its base. All one needs to do is place the signal next to the track and apply power. They operate from 12-18V AC or DC. The flags are slow motion and the lights gradually change from one state to another. After the train passes, the signal returns to YELLOW or caution after 4 seconds and to GREEN in another 3 seconds. Prices are $62.95 for the DZ-1040, $47.95 for the DZ-1050 and $49.99 for the DZ-1060. Product will be available from GarGraves Tackage or Ross Custom.

Dennis R. Zander
Z-Stuff for Trains
35 Rolling Meadows Way
Penfield, NY 14526
585-377-0925 (6-11pm EST M-F) 10am-9pm (Sat & Sun)

Iron Penguin Electronics - Most products are HO scale but some can be used with any scale. I've used the DC auto reverse unit with a timed delay for reversing trains for point to point continuous operation. They also carry billboards, lighting kits, special effects kits, wireles cameras for inside your locomotives and sound modules.

by Miller Engineering - Neon signs, animated billboards and lots more.

Miller Engineering
P.O. Box 282
New Canaan, CT 06840
Tel. 203-595-0619


Jason's Brass Poles - S scale street lights and wall mounted lighting.

Model Street Lighting - Street Light - S Scale-1 $12.00 (Package of 2) Made of 3/32 Brass tube with a 12 volt bulb. Pick from (black) (Silver) (Dk.Green). Prices include shipping.


Berkshire Junction Model Railroad Supplies --electronics for all gauges including power supplies, sensors, detectors, reversing units, lighting kits, flickering firelight kits, NJ International "S" scale crossing gates with activators, pole mounted traffic signals, cross-bucks in S scale with flashing lights and more. This company also makes a turntable motorizing kit. I have a number of their electronic units and can highly recommend this company.

Model Memories; P.O. Box 692, Bethel, CT 06801; (203) 798-0544. Fine-scale products for the discriminating S gauge modeler. Model Memories makes a brass Platform Signal (#SPS12...$70); a brass Cantilever Signal (#2SBA2S...$68) and a brass 40' Boxcar Roofwalk (#RW6S...2/pk - $8.00).

Train Control Systems - Goood source of small gauge (AWG 30, AWG 32) wire for LEDs as well as other electronic products.

Richmond Controls - Lighting, LEDs, etc...and EZ-LITE™ Special Effects modules. The EZ-LITE™ Special Effects modules for locomotives were designed specifically for those applications where space is very limited, and the modeler does not want to modify the locomotive chassis or motor wiring to allow installation. The EZ07, EZ08 and EZ09 series are capable of driving flashlight bulbs and “white” LEDs to generate signal light patterns.  The EZ09 is well-suited for HO, S, O, G, and other scales larger than N.

DanNowicki.Com - Smoken Hole Hobbies - S scale street lights.

Shiloh Signals - offers S scale signals including: searchlight signals, color light signals, dwarf signals, position signals and grade crossing signals.They offer signals for some major Eastern roads: NYC, PRR, B&O, N&W and they do custom orders. A tip o' the hat for this recommendation to Hilary Smith.

GML Enterprises - manufacturer of electronic controls including throttles in 3, 4 or 6 amps (6 amps are especially important for those AF lighted passenger trains and others that draw high amperage.)

Fiber Optic Illuminations

Erie Signal Company - Circuitry devices for all scales. Includes "the Detective" circuit sensing device and "The Sentry" Crossing Signal Flasher Circuit.

Des Plaines Hobbies - S Scale signals to be offered by Oregon Rail Supply. The first three items will be #201 single light targets @$6.95, # 202 double light tatgets @ $7.95, and #203 triple light targets @ $7.95. They will come three in a package. These are similar to their HO line. They are injection molded styrene and are designed to accept T-1 3.0 mm led's.

Ronald & Susan Sebastian
Des Plaines Hobbies - S Scale America
1468 Lee Street
Des Plaines, IL 60018
1-800-264-1956 fax:847-297-4976


  N-Way Products is making S gauge Flashing Crossing Signals - pair w/Flasher, item #171, for $28.95.

  Tomar Industries NEW WEBSITE (1/2006)

Tomar Industries
9520 E. Napier Ave
Benton Harbor, MI 49022
Phone: 616 944-5129 / fax 616 944-1901
Email: tomarup@juno.com

Target search light (left) and dwarf signal (right) by Tomar on Terry Harrison's NKP pike in Orlando, FL. The search light on the base measures to 15' 6" tall. Base is 3' thick. Terry made it out of wood and painted it cement gray. The ladder is only 1' wide though, a bit narrow for S but could easily be changed.



  Small Scale Railway Company -- They mainly design and market digital sound units for N and HO. But they will work in S as well. Also sell 3mm white LED sets (LED's, resistors and diodes) for model loco headlights.

Kurtz-Kraft--manufactures excellent electronics for model railroading. Throttles,modules for flashers and signals, sound systems, etc. The best thing about this company is their low prices. Example - their TH-2B DC hand held throttle is only $54.00 (as of 10/98) and can handle 6 amps. Their AC throttle TH-7 is a great unit for AF fans. The TH-7 inclues a power unit for only $90.00 (as of 10/98). So call or write and ask for a catolog.

1016 Pinewood Dr.
Downers Grove IL. 60516
Phone 630-968-4456 

K-LIGHT Constant Lighting Modules--K-LIGHT are a electronic module which provides constant brilliance of light for your passenger or freight cars and caboose. No matter what speed you are running your train, your lights will not dim or increase in brilliance like a standard lighted car.

Del-Aire Products--Compressed air systems to power your turnouts--THIS IS NON-ELECTRONIC but is on this page because it makes a good substitute for electronically controlled switch machines.

Del-Aire Products
321 N. 40th St., Dept. S
Allentown, PA 18104
Phone/Fax: (610) 391-0412, 24 hours/7 days

NorthWest Short Line -NWSL--offers precision miniature 12v. DC motors suitable for S scale locomotives or other powered units; hobby tools, wheels, gears, gearboxes, motors, power drive units and more.. For further info & product listing send $1.00 for handling or $8.00 for a full catalog to:

Box 423
Seattle, WA 98111-0423
Phone: (206) 932-1087; Fax: (206) 935-7106.
Model Rectifier Corporation's Homepage -- suppliers of transformers and model railroad controllers.

  Dallee Electronics, Inc.--Electronics, sound systems, throttles, lighting and transformers for all gauges. Dallee Electronics Instruction Sheets - Installation instructions for sound units in pdf files.

Macintosh Software for Model Railroaders--from Softrack Systems.

P.O. Box 669
Decatur, AL 35602
E-mail: softrack.com

Scale Model Engineering--Supplier for any scale of metals, plastics and other materials; gears, bearings, pulleys, motors and other drive components; micro & miniature lights, led's and fiber optics; electrical components and wire; miniature pneumatic components; and miniature hardware from #00-90 to 1/4".

E-mail Precision Scale Model Engineering: psmeljm@juno.com
Tel. 508 478-3148 | Fax 508 478-3590
33 Harding St.
Milford, MA 01757

They have had a 126 page catalog of more than 10,000 item s for $7.00. Check latest price.




DCC-Digital Command Control Sites

Getting Started with NMRA DCC in S Gauge

The World of DCC

CVP Products

Digitrax, Inc. Home Page--suppliers of Digital Command Control equipment.

Lenz Agency of North America

LGB of America

MRC's Digital Command Control "COMMAND 2000"--a page of questions and answers about DCC.

North Coast Engineering

Ramfixx Technologies

Wangrow Electronics - System One Digital Command Control with a DO-407 4-amp decoder available for larger scales including "S."
E-mail address: systemone@tmnet.com >For a source of DCC products check out
Tried And True Trains


Model Railroading With DCC

Wiring For DCC by Allan Gartner

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Guidelines for Wire Size:

NO.10 wire-30 amps

NO.12 wire-20 amps

NO. 14 wire-15 amps

NO.16 wire-10 amps

NO.18 wire-7 amps

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