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Eureka Hill RR History

February 2, 1907

February 6, 1907

Utah index number:

January 25, 1937 (voluntary)

Capital stock:
$50,000 (500 shares @ $100)

From near Silver City, Utah, to a point on Godiva Mountain in Juab County, a distance of about five miles.

Incorporators and directors:
C. W. Nibley 1 President
C. W. Nibley 494 as trustee
J. William Knight 1 Vice President
Bela Kadish 1 Secretary
Jesse Knight 1
David Eccles 1
John Pingree 1 Treasurer

1, Amended November 1, 1910 to change principle place of business to Provo, Utah and to change the procedure of calling the annual meetings.
2, Jesse Knight shown as President.
3, W. Lester Mangum shown as Secretary.

Don Strack's Eureka Hill RR page.

The Eureka Hill RR was the last of the Tintic area railroads to be built. It was started in 1907 by Jessie Knight to bring ore from his mines and other mines in the area. It ran from the smelter in Silver City to the mines seven miles up in the mountains.

The Silver City yards were three rail to accommodate the narrow gauge Eureka Hill and the standard gauge LASL and RGW.

By 1928 the mines had dried up and the Eureka Hill was no longer running. The rails were finally pulled in 1932. Shays were used for motive power on the steep grades.

Utah Public Service Commission Cases

Compiled by Don Strack from the records of the Office of the Secretary of State of Utah.

Case 1070 - Eureka Hill Railway

To discontinue service and abandon entire railroad.

The railroad is 8.5 miles long and serves the Dragon Mine, the Iron Blossom Mine, the Colorado Mine, and the Sioux Mine, all in the Tintic Mining District. All the mines in the district are closed, except for the Sioux and the Iron Blossom, which are occupied mainly with exploration and development work. The district's ore reserves have been depleted since 1922.

The railroad was offered to the Tintic Standard Mining Company, but they refused the offer, even with very easy terms.

The railroad was leased to Werritt & Simpson in September 1927. Their operation for the past year has been at a loss and in September 1928 they gave notice that they wanted to give up the lease. The last day of operation was on September 25, 1928.

On September 29th the railroad notified the Commission that they were closed down, but the Commission told them that they must make formal application.

The railroad is entirely owned by the Knight Investment Company, with J. W. Knight as president and general manager.

Notice of the railroad ending service and operation was published in the Eureka Reporter on November 29, 1928.

Approved December 10, 1928.

The incorporation and abandonment information was stolen from Don Strack, with his permission.

Eureka Hill Home Page

Last Update 12/11/02

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