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Operations on the Mesquite
Belt |
Operations |
Operating Sessions
Our M-9G Speeder
Speeder Restoration
There are 9 folks in one shot!
Front to back:
Mike Chapmon (sitting), Darrell, Marc Bolton (sleeping?-relief crew waiting
on his train)Max, Ben, Steve, Caleb, Aaron, & Wyatt.
We had 16 operators February 7th, 2005 for a Mesquite Belt &
Piney Woods Model Railroad Club record attendance!
"Model railroad layouts are designed to be operated, just as automobiles are
designed to be driven. The goal of the designer is to create a model railroad
with an interesting and enjoyable operating scheme, providing an opportunity
for people to get together and enjoy trains and each other, and for the
layout builder to show off his or her handiwork and artistry."
"The formal operating session is the most demanding
type of operation on a model railroad. The railroad is usually operated to
simulate prototype railroad operations, with trains going places and doing
work. Often there are several people working (playing, actually) together,
filling such roles as engineer, yardmaster, dispatcher and others. Some sort
of paperwork is used to simulate the prototype's masses of paperwork and to
direct the action. A model railroad requires sophisticated track planning to
allow all the train movements necessary during a busy operating session."
"We all love the hobby of model railroading, and seek to improve it and
increase its benefits to the model railroaders who devote so much of their
leisure time pursuing their dream. While a finished model railroad is a
wonderful thing to look at, and photograph, it really comes alive and gives
us sublime enjoyment when it operates just as the prototype."
From DESIGNING LAYOUTS TO OPERATE: The Layout Design Primer, Layout Design Special Interest Group of the NMRA.
Layout Design Special Interest Group of the NMRA.
Copyright © Mike O'Brien, Used with permission of the Author

A line-up of train movements during a "normal" operations session:
Mesquite Belt trains:
Called @ Houston Eureka Yard:
Y  EU 51    -  Yard Job/Local NB local Houston to Smithville
Y  EU HO    -  Yard Job/Local NB local Houston-Brookshire area
R  EU GT  -  Rock train (GRR) Eureka Yard to Georgetown via Granger
M HO FW -  Manifest Houston Eureka Yard to Ft Worth North Yard
Called @ Smithville Yard:
Y SV 51 - Yard Job/Local NB to Ft. Worth North Yard
Y SV 62 - Yard Job/Local SB to Houston Eureka Yard
Called @ Ft. Worth North Yard:
Y  FW 62   -  Yard Job/Local SB to Smithville
M FW HO -  Manifest Ft. Worth North Yard to Houston Eureka Yard
Called @ Ft. Worth Cargill Elevator:
Cargill Switcher Job - Local switcher for large elevator and transfer to
Ft. Worth North Yard
Called @ Port of Houston:
PTRA Switcher Job - Local switcher POH Port Of Houston to Houston Eureka Yard &
Called @ Granger:
R  GT EU - Rock train (GRR) Georgetown via Granger to Eureka Yard
TRE Trinity Railway Express trains:
Texaswide Express and local Budd RDC Service
TRE 2169 - TRE Express Service Houston - Ft. Worth
     Stops: Houston - Taylor - Temple - Waco - Ft. Worth
TRE 2270 - TRE Express Service Ft. Worth - Houston
     Stops: Ft. Worth - Waco - Temple - Taylor - Houston
TRE 2105  HO FW - TRE Budd RDC Service Houston - Ft. Worth
     Stops: Houston - Sealy - La Grange - Smithville - Taylor -
Temple -
Waco - Ft. Worth
TRE 2206  FW HO - TRE Budd RDC Service Ft. Worth - Houston
     Stops: Ft. Worth - Waco - Temple - Taylor - Smithville -
La Grange -
 Sealy - Houston
Amtrak trains:
Nationwide Passenger Rail Service
Amtrak #21 - Amtrak Service Houston - Ft. Worth
     Stops: Houston - Taylor - Temple - Waco - Ft. Worth
Amtrak #22 - TRE Express Service Ft. Worth - Houston
     Stops: Ft. Worth - Waco - Temple - Taylor - Houston
Trackage Rights trains:
Teague, Mexia, Rock Island & Gulf  RR
TO&K -
Texas, Oklahoma & Kansas RR
The MB has shipping
alliances with the Texas, Oklahoma & Kansas and the Teague, Mexia, Rock
Island and Gulf. This coalition has the capability to compete
with other Class 1's, with their overall traffic capabilities within the
state of Texas, and points beyond. Both the TMRI & the TO&K
run grain shuttles on the Mesquite Belt to the Port of Houston.
The Mesquite Belt feels that we
should use our model railroad interests to benefit and educate the community.
This is done by offering entertaining yet educational demonstrations to such
groups as the Boy Scouts of America and school groups.
The Mesquite Belt handles group
outings and hosting other model railroad clubs for guest operating
sessions, as well as the Piney Woods Model RR Club
and NMRA.

Webmaster: Devin M.
Send updates, information, and
comments to:
Contact: |
Devin M. Jackson
903-724-3976 |
Dispatch Center
1-800-SHIP-MBT |
Photo by: Steve Garbarino
Copyright ©
1987-2007 Mesquite Belt Railroad A Mesquite Belt Transportation
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