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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/mesquitebelt.

The Galveston, Houston & Henderson Sub represents the trackage
from Houston's Eureka Yard area to other parts of Houston, the Port of
Houston's chemical plant complexes, and the Port of Galveston. It is in the
lower left hand of the layout, highlighted in yellow.

In reality, it is
one of the four points of entry into staging. This allows for any Port or
chemical product related load coming on or going off the modeled portion of
the layout from the Ports of Houston & Galveston areas onto the layout.
This allows for interchange with all Houston area railroads, including the
Houston Belt & Terminal RR.

Webmaster: Devin M.
Send updates, information,
and comments to:
G,H & H Sub
Contact: |
Devin M. Jackson
903-724-3976 |
Dispatch Center
1-800-SHIP-MBT |
Copyright ©
1987-2007 Mesquite Belt Railroad A Mesquite Belt
Support this website by joining the Silver Rails TrainWeb Club for as little as $1 per month.
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