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Fantasy Railroad Liveries

This page is to display Railroad Liveries that might of existed, might exist, or never will exist. All of the picture on the page now are my own designs but if you have some you would like to add feel free to e-mail me. I have also included the blank equipment if you get inspired.

Amtrak San Diegan My Livery for Amtrak's New San Diegan. I know the Locomotive and the Car aren't exactly right but you get the idea. I got the Idea after reading The New Amtrak San Diegan Passenger Equipment

NA locomotive Front My Livery for the proposed Bering Strait Tunnel and Railroad. I figure that the tunnel would be electrified and they would use ABB/SLM Locomotive 2000. (For Which there is a convenient blank drawing at: This is the version for Locomotives equipped with North American Couplers.

Euro locomotive Front My Livery for the proposed Bering Strait Tunnel and Railroad Locomotives equipped with European Couplers.

Maine Front My Livery for the proposed State of Maine supported service from Boston to Portland, Maine. I based the Livery on a MEC scheme, figuring that Maine DOT would use a historic livery. The Car is a flexiliner

SD rail Front I made this livery when I noticed South Dakoka had no Amtrak service. I made a passenger train that would travel from Rapid City to Sioux Falls, State Supported. This is a picture of the first half of the train

Blank pictures:

Feel Free to download and "paint" the blanks, just e-mail me with a copy and I'll put it up.

Blank Amtrak San DieganBlank SanDiegan

Blank FlexilinerBlank Flexiliner

Blank FlexilinerBlank E8

Links to Other Sites: The Railroad Paint Shop

Liveries and Paint schemes Copyright (c) 1998 J. Rissmeyer updated 10.29.98
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