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An Introduction to Mel Nielsen's Ballston Locomotive

CNJ Camelback, available in several versions (Reading,
DL&W, Jersey Central, Erie, and Lehigh Valley)
Complete (Traditional) :Built on an American Flyer chassis with
smoke and choo-choo.($185)
Complete (Electronic AC) : Electronic E-unit and OMS whistle and
sound of steam. ($240)
Complete (Electronic DC) :Same as above but with DC can motor. ($230)
Engine & Tender Shells Only: Decorated to fit on your Atlantic.($120)
Engine Shell Kit: UNDECORATED in primer with handrails, etc. ($90)
S - Milwaukee Road Haiwatha
Complete : Built on an American Flyer chassis with smoke and choo-choo.($369)
Complete (AC) :Electronic AC. ($429)
Complete (DC) :Electronic DC ($419)
Shells Only: Decorated to fit on your Atlantic. With parts to modify
lead & tender trucks. Complete instructions ($269)
Also available from Mel:
Southern Pacific "Daylight" Atlantic
w/Vanderbilt tender ($229 (Traditional), $159 (shell only))
Reading G3 Pacific: Wooten Firebox, bell over smokebox front ($139)
Delaware & Hudson "Loree" Pacific Wooten Firebox, Smoke deflectors,
capped stack and recessed headlight. ($179)
Canadian National or Canadian Pacific version of the "Loree" Pacific ($189)
Erie Pacific with Vanderbilt tender ($189)
Central New Jersey "Blue Comet" (Pacific
chassis) ($239 (Traditional), $295 (Electronic AC), $285 (Electronic DC),
$149 (Shells))
Jersey Central "Queen of the Vally)" Same as 'Blue Comet' but painted Nile
Green. ($239)
Vanderbilt Tender Shells for your Flyer Pacifics & Atlantics
$30 (Coal or Oil)
Please add $8 s&h for complete
engines ; $5 shells; $3 tenders
For complete details and current
pricing please contact....
Mel Nielsen
Box 50
Clifton Park , N.Y. 12065
(518) 584-1090 - FAX (518) 584-7816
These pictures were scanned from color copies.
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