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Track Codes
Name Code 55 Code 70 Code 83 Code 100 Code 125 Code 148 Code 172 brand_o_track Flex_track Flex_brand Hand Laid
Al Muncy

som_flex cargraves some hand
Al Paolozzi


Alan Evans

Code 100
Code 148

all_flex Shinohara/AM
Alex Binkley

Code 100

all_flex Tomalco & Shinohara
Allen Evans

Code 100

American Models som_flex
some hand
Art Armstrong
Code 70 Code 83 Code 100

all hand
Bill Frazier

Code 148

some hand
Bill McClung

Code 100

all hand
Bill Porter

Code 100

all_flex shinohara

Code 148

all_flex AM
Bob Bubeck

Code 172 original Gilbert K-Line

Bob Werre

Code 83 Code 100

som_flex Miller, Tomalco some hand
Bruce Pilcher

Code 172 Gargraves

Chris Harding

Code 125 Code 148 Code 172 Miller, AM som_flex Miller, AM
Chris Palomarez

Code 83

all hand
Chuck Smith

Code 148 Code 172 AM, SHS, others som_flex AM some hand
Craig Stair

Code 148
AM all_flex AM
Dale Smith

Code 172

Daniel Neumayer

Code 148

all_flex American Models
Dave Bailey
Code 70 Code 83 Code 100

some hand
David Heine Code 55 Code 70
Code 100

som_flex Shino/Tom some hand
Dick Karnes

Code 83 Code 100 Code 125

som_flex Tomalco, Shinohara some hand
Dick Kuepper

Code 148
Gargraves som_flex Gargraves
Don Loughran

AF/gargraves som_flex
some hand
Don Richards

Code 125

som_flex AM
Doug Peck

Code 148 Code 172 AM; SHS; Southwind; Crown som_flex AM & Gargraves
Gale Hall

Code 100 Code 125

som_flex Miller some hand
Glenn Ritter

Code 172
all_flex Gargraves
Harry G. Butler

Code 100 Code 125 Code 148 Code 172 Bob Peare track som_flex Bob Peare for my Flyer equipment
J. Wayne Beachy

Code 172 Gargraves, may use S Helper in future som_flex Gargraves
Jerry Poniatowski

K-line/GarGraves som_flex Gargraves
Jim Milroy

Code 172

Joe Pereira

Code 148

som_flex AM some hand
John Dalton

Code 148

John Eichmann

Code 172
som_flex Gargraves
John Foley

Code 100

som_flex Tomalco some hand
Joseph F. Haeenn

Code 172 Gargraves som_flex Gargraves
Keith B Thompson

Code 100

all hand
Keith Thompson

Code 83 Code 100

som_flex Shinohara some hand
Ken Zieska
Code 70
Code 100

some hand
Michael Greene

Code 100

some hand
Mike Fyten

Code 83
Code 125

all hand
Nathan Balke

Code 125 Code 148

Neil Trump

Code 172
som_flex Gargraves
Patrick Koerner

Code 148

all_flex Am. Models
Paul Yorke

Code 172 Gargraves Flex all_flex Gargraves
Peter King

Code 172

Rance Velapoldi

Code 125 Code 148 Code 172 AM, S-Helper, etc. som_flex miller tie strip
Richard Snook

Code 83 Code 100

som_flex Tomalco some hand
Robert Sherwood

Code 83 Code 100

som_flex Tamalco some hand
Robin Vanacore


all hand
Roger Hinds

Code 125
Code 172
som_flex gargraves some hand
Roy Plotnick

Code 172

Russell McClellan

Code 148 Code 172

Steve Blackburn

Code 148
A.M. som_flex A. M.
Ted Larson

Code 83 Code 100 Code 125 Code 148

some hand
Tom Davis

Code 100 Code 125

some hand
Tom Gerbasi

Code 172 Gargraves som_flex Gargraves