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   What's New...

Although I tend to update pages faster than I can document the changes, I am attempting to keep a running list of updates (at least for the major additions).  As seems to be the standard policy, this list builds from the top with the most recent dates first, followed by a link to the appropriate page.

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    Tom Fassett



November 27, 2003
I added more UP SD40-2s in the 3600-3699 range.
Some day I hope to get all the SD40-2s up so I can get to work on something else...  ;- )



October 10, 2003
I added a half dozen more Union Pacific locos in the 2000-2300 range.


October 5, 2003
I added a half dozen more Leasing Company locos.


October 1, 2003
I added a few more SP GP38-2s.  Surprisingly, there are still some around without patches...

I also added a shot of SP GP40 # 3086, ex DRGW 3086.

And, I added a new page with thumbnails and links just for SP Speed Lettered locos.


September 28, 2003
I added a small page of photos taken in Weatherford, OK for a friend who is modeling a Rock Island layout which includes Weatherford.

I added a new prototype page for SDP45s.

I also added some new pictures to the Action page.


September 13, 2003
I added a few more Amtrak images.

I added some new Arizona & California RR loco pictures.

Added some new CNW loco pictures.


September 6, 2003
I added a few more SP images.  I'm always surprised when I catch any without patches now.  These are some of the AC4400CW locos.

Since it is hot here in Arizona, I added some shots taken in the snow to remember what it is like when it is not 100+ degrees...  ;- )
Here is a Central Oregon & Pacific consist sitting outside the CORP yard on New Year's Day.

Added some leasing company loco pictures (to the HLCX roster).
Added some shots of the CORP GP38-3s.

Added a shot of the Yolo Shortline RR GE 50 ton switcher.


August 30, 2003
I'm back!  The "I haven't done any updates for awhile" thing is becoming like a broken record so I will dispense with it...  ;- )

My personal email, is working again.

I have added a new listing to the shortlines page.  These are the Farmrail, or GNBC locos.  The thumbnails can be found here:

I have gotten some great feedback from individuals located all over the world.  Hopefully, this will encourage me to do a better job in adding all the new stuff.  I have thousands of pictures waiting for attention but I tend to spend most of my online time on the forum.  Now the forum members are hounding me for more pictures so I hope to keep things current here...  :- )


May 18, 2003
I know, it looks like I haven't done any updates for a long time, but I have added a few things here and there.   I have also been updating a lot of the pictures for size and quality.
I have also added a Model Railroading section here.  A lot of this stuff was originally posted on The Railroad Forum.  There are some tips and tricks as well as projects for the model railroader here.  There are also some pictures of my models and layout.

One note:  Many of the pages may have my email address wrong (I am trying to find them all).  I have changed email addresses a couple of times and am moving my personal site to new servers so is temporarily out of "service."  If you wish to email me, use

I'll try to do a better job of keeping this page updated...  ;- )


May 4, 2003
New Additions to the UP Diesel Roster:  3200-3999


What was new in 2002

What was new in 2001


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All images on this site are the property of Tom Fassett unless otherwise noted
and should not be used without permission

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