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AAR Clearance Plate Diagrams

ALCO Locomotive Lengths   Drill Bit Chart

eGroups   EMD Locomotive Lengths

GE Locomotive Lengths   Helper Engine Shed

Helper Spins Map   Tunnel Motor Closeups

Rio Grande Entries in the Model Train Magazine Index Database

National Model Railroad Association Standards and Recomendations

Fuel Tanks
GP40---3600 gal
GP40-2---3600 gal
GP60---3700 gal
SD40T-2---4000 gal, 19' 9½"
SD45---4000 gal, 19' 9½"
SD50---4000 gal, 19' 9½"

Converting degrees of curvature to radius:
radius in feet = 5729 / degree of curvature
degree of curvature = 5729 / radius in feet
5729 / x = y Where x is the known factor.

Grade percentage:
1" in 100" = 1%

Frog angles:
#4 = 14º 15'
#5 = 11º 25'
#6 = 9º 32'
#7 = 8º 10'
#8 = 7º 09'
#9 = 6º 22'
#10 = 5º 43'

Arch bar trucks banned from interchange after 7/01/40.

Wood walkways banned on new cars.

Running boards were eliminated from all boxcars (without roof hatches)with cars placed in service after October 1, 1966.

On cars built earlier, all running boards and high hand barke wheels to be removed by April 1, 1974.

Footboards on switcher locomotives were eliminated from locomotives built after March 31, 1975.

Footboards to be removed from all locomotives by September 30, 1978.

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Utah Rails Home Page

Last Update 09/14/05

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