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The Cedar City Terminal RY was thought up at a 1882 town meeting in Cedar City. The purpose of the line was to serve an iron plant that was being planned. At this time the narrow gauge Nevada Central RR was up for sale. It was bought by the founders of the CCT in its entirety except for the ROW.

In the summer of 1884, the NC was moved to Cedar City by wagon train. This included the rail, locomotives, rolling stock, turntable, round house and scale.

This line was never built for several reasons. The iron works that was already established in Iron City and only two miles from the ore deposits decided to upgrade rather than move to Cedar City. The other reason was, the US government had started its anti-polygamy drive and drove the organizers of the railway underground.

By 1890, the project was given up. The equipment sat around rusting away until WW1 when a lot of it was donated to the war effort. Some of it lasted until WW11 and met the same fate.

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Last Update 01/30/01

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