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In the spring of 1876 the Pleasant Valley Coal Company was incorporated, as a norrow gauge line, with Milan Packard as president. Packard formed the Pleasant Valley Railroad in 1877 and construction of a railroad line from Springville to Pleasant Valley began. It was renamed Utah & Pleasent Valley RR before the line was completed. The line followed the Spanish Fork River up to Thistle, then up Soldier Creek to Tucker. from Tucker it followed Starvation Creek to the Backswitch area and on down the hill to Scofield coal mines.

The line was called "Calico Road" because workers were paid mostly in goods, especially calico cloth. It was also one of the Scofield lines.

In 1882, Rio Grande Western purchased the Utah and Pleasant Valley railroads and Pleasant Valley Coal Company's mines. The Rio Grande Western Railroad and its subsidiary, Utah Fuel Company, played an important role in the development of Carbon County's coal mining and history.

The Utah & Pleasent Valley had three locomotives between 1877 and 1882.


For more information on the locomotives, please go to Keith Williams' site.

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Last Update 01/30/01

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