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Day 2, Saturday, 12/16/00

Woke up about 0445 and said the heck with it and got up. Headed for a cup of coffee on wheels and up the road to Helper. Parked behind the park and enjoyed my coffee to the sound of T-2's in the background. Finished my coffee and decided to head to Wellington for a B&G fix at the greasy spoon. Nothing like a good foamers breakfast to get going.

Decided to check out CV Spur on the way back to Price. Nothing, yet. I had just gotten to Price on UT 10 when I heard talk of a coal train pulling into CV Spur. They were going to cut off the cars and take the units back to Helper. Pulled into the motel to see if Paul was up yet. Hopped out of the truck just as they were pulling up. "Grab your stuff, the Dirt Train just left Helper". Mad dash to grab my stuff and hop aboard Paul's War Wagon.

As we were leaving the parking lot, here comes the Dirt Train heading east. Mad dash down the road. The chase is on. Caught up with it at the CV Spur "Y". The coal train Conductor was still aligning the switch and the Dirt Train had to stop. Hummmmm. What to take pictures of first. UP units on your left and T-2's on your right. T-2's win. Finally got pictures right. Wrong! Didn't turn out.

OK. Do we chase it down the dirt road or just catch it leaving Mounds. Paul decided the the Hwy was better. Headed east on US 6 past Sunnyside Junction to the road leading to Mounds. This is where the bridge burned around the first of December, 2000.

New bridge between Mounds and Banning.

New Bridge

Why they call it Mounds.


Dirt Train T-2's on the new bridge.

Dirt Train on the new bridge.

Long shot of the whole Dirt Train between new bridge and Banning.

Dirt Train

Headed up the road to the ECXX site at Columbia Junction. As there were no emptys to pick up, the units cut off and headed back to Helper lite. A lot of talk on the scanner. It might be a good day. Off to Helper we go. Not much going on so headed up the hill. Didn't get far. There was a UTAH coal empty heading to Martin. UTAH SD40 on the point followed by three MK5000C's.

UTAH SD40 on the point followed by three MK5000C's.

SD40 on the point followed by three MK5000C's

Might have to go check on that one. Hmmm, what do we have here?? Looks like a eastbound BNSF. There was a slow order in the area as something had gone thru the slide fence earlier. MOW was checking it out.

East bound

Time to head back to Helper. The Utah coal was parked in Martin yard so headed to Helper yard to catch the BNSF. Got three more shots of this one.


Eastbound at Helper.

Eastbound at Helper.

Nothing else going on here so head off to see what was going on with the MK5000C's. Still in the yard so headed to the top of the hill overlooking Helper. Had lunch and took some shots of the yard. Looked over to the Martin yard and saw that the MK's were heading south to the loadout at Wildcat. Mad dash off the hill and down the HWY to Consumers Road to Wildcat. Got a close look at the MK's while they were waiting to enter the loadout. Those Cat engines sound completely different from an EMD.

MK5000C at Wildcat.

MK5000C at Wildcat Loadout.

Stayed around Wildcat for a while and decided to see if we could make it out to the Gordon Creek Bridge. Didn't make it very far. About that time the scanner went off. MDVRO was at Mounds and asking for help to get up the hill. Needless to say, it was going to get real busy in the coming hours. Back to Helper yard we go. While waiting for the "M", took a lot of pictures of the Engine Shed for my new modeling pages. About that time the MDVRO pulled into the yard and made a crew change.

MDVRO Crew Change in Helper.

While they were breaking the train into to add the help, heard horns west of Helper. Wonder what is coming?? Looks like a couple of Utah RY units running lite eastbound. That means a west bound BNSF "M" needs help to get over the hill.

Utah RY units running lite eastbound.

Utah RY help.

While waiting for the help to get all hooked up, I took this picture of a UP unit that is missing a few parts.

Kind of bare up front.

UP Mess.

They finally got the help cut in, air test done and waiting for the warrant to head west up the hill. Time to hop in the War Wagon for what was going to be a very, very busy afternoon.

MDVRO leaving helper prior to Utah RY Jct.


MDVRO help.


MDVRO heading to Nolan Tunnel.

MDVRO at Nolan.

MDVRO exiting Kyune Tunnel.

MDVRO at Kyune Tunnel

Hopped back in the War Wagon for the run to Colton where they are going to drop off the help. The sunny weather we had earlier was gone. Not the best for picture taking even with a digital. Got one fair shot at Colton.

MDVRO at Colton.

MDVRO at Colton.

About that time here comes the westbound BNSF passing the MDVRO. They are going to drop off the help at Summit. Time to head to the top of the hill to catch the action.

Westbound BNSF at Summit.

BNSF at Summit

MDVRO at Summit.

MDVRO at Summit

This was just the start of things to come. First we had the MDVRO led by pure Rio Grande with the required lights and proper horn placement in the lead. Then add in three T-2's (black of course) for help. Then at the same time, a BNSF with a couple of Utah RY help, one being the lone F45. About that time, here comes the UTAH coal headed by three MK5000C's. The following shots were caught earlier. This train came up the hill real fast with 36,000HP. 18,000HP (5+5+5+3) on the point and 18,000HP (6X3) help.

UTAH coal led by three MK5000C's and one SD40 at Kyune.

MK5000C's at Kyune

MK5000C's at Kyune

UTAH coal help at Kyune.


Snow and smoke.

Snow and Smoke.

MK5000C's at Colton.

MK's at Colton

The help for the MK's. More snow and smoke.


While they were cutting out the help on the coal train, we headed back to Colton. The MDVRO help was still there. Time to recap what has been going on in a short time. Almost needed someone just to take notes. MDVRO, westbound UTAH coal, westbound BNSF "M" and-------wait, what is this?? Looks like a bunch of NS units heading up a eastbound with a LOT of empty hoppers. This is the same train I had seen on Friday north of Provo. More on this one later. Back to the list. Westbound UTAH help lite. Eastbound T-2 help lite. Wait, here comes the ZDVRO. That makes seven movements going on at the same time around the area. Talk about a foamers dream come true. They put the T-2 help on the branch line to Scofield to make room. Then here comes the Utah help running lite back to Helper. By this time it is 1630, blowing snow and getting dark. Got some quick shots of the "Z".

ZDVRO at Colton.





Back to the NS units and the empty hoppers. On the way back home Sunday, I noticed the line of hoppers between Point of the Mount and HWY 92 on the old OSL line in Northern Utah County were gone. This train finally ended up on the RRRR (Rock & Rail RR) out of Canon City in Colorado.

This ends up my best one day effort ever in the Helper area. Paul and Todd had to agree. We, along with some others that were out chasing decided to drop by Grogg's for burgers or what ever and beers for every one but myself. Gave that up 5+ years ago. The coffee sure tasted good though.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

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Last Update 01/28/01

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