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200 C45ACCTE (AKA GEVO, AKA ES44AC)locomotives are on order from General Electric, to be numbered UP 5354-5553. These should begin arriving in early 2005.

As indicated earlier on LocoNotes, people were wondering what UP 5695-5699 were. I said there wasn't any ... but things have changed recently.

These five units are GE AC4400 Tier II demonstrators that have the GEVO prime mover inside.

Originally they were to be GECX 5695-5699 and painted in full UP colors, with flags and wings. But UP has insisted that if they are going to wear such markings that they also must wear UP reporting marks ... thus UP 5695-5699.

Three will arrive before the end of this month, the other two in April 2003. They will be assigned to the Pacific Northwest to operate primarily over the Blue Mountains.

UP designation will be C45ACCTE -- they have CTE software and "45" is to make sure that crews do not mistake them for C44ACs.

GE's Tier II web site: GE Evolution Series

UP 5698 Picture

Sean Graham-White.

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Last Update 01/21/05

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