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SD70M Data

The following was supplied by Don Strack incorporating this years (2002) updates by Sean Graham-White. This shows what is planned so far:

Builders Numbers:
3779-3822 are L20036559-001 - 044 (London)
3823-3873 are M20036559-001 - 051 (Mexico)

Sorted By Road Number:
UP 3779-3873
UP 3874-3973, 100 units, (4)(5)
UP 4000-4074, 75 units, o/n 996164, London, 2000
UP 4075-4088, 14 units, o/n 996172, Mexico, 2000
UP 4089-4118, 30 units, o/n 996192, London, 2000
UP 4119-4164, 46 units, o/n 996190, SSSI, 2000
UP 4165-4274, 110 units, o/n 996172, Mexico, 2000
UP 4275-4278, 4 units, o/n 996164, London, 2000
UP 4279-4284, 6 units, o/n 996168, London, 2000
UP 4285-4522, 238 units, o/n 996188, Mexico, 2001
UP 4523-4634, 112 units, o/n 996168, London, 2001
UP 4635-4639, 5 units, o/n 20006233, London, 2000     (1)
UP 4640-4709, 70 units, o/n 996168, London, 2001
UP 4710-4836, 127 units, o/n 20006271, London, 2002
UP 4837-4849, 13 units, o/n 2006271A (tentative), London, 2002 (3)(5)
UP 4850-5102, 150 units, o/n 20006223, Mexico, 2002
UP 5103-5126, 24 units, o/n 20006271, London, 2002
UP 5127-5206

Sorted By Order Number:
o/n 996164, UP 4000-4074, 75 units, London, 2000
o/n 996164, UP 4275-4278, 4 units, London, 2000
o/n 996168, UP 4279-4284, 6 units, London, 2000
o/n 996168, UP 4523-4634, 112 units, London, 2001
o/n 996168, UP 4640-4709, 70 units, London, 2001
o/n 996172, UP 4075-4088, 14 units, Mexico, 2000
o/n 996172, UP 4165-4274, 110 units, Mexico, 2000
o/n 996188, UP 4285-4522, 238 units, Mexico, 2001
o/n 996190, UP 4119-4164, 46 units, SSSI, 2000
o/n 996192, UP 4089-4118, 30 units, London, 2000
o/n 20006223, UP 4850-5102, 153 units, Mexico, 2002
o/n 20006233, UP 4635-4639, 5 units, London, 2000     (1)
o/n 20006270, UP 4687-4706, 20 units, Alstom, 2001     (2)
o/n 20006271, UP 4710-4836, 151 units, London, 2002
o/n 20006271, UP 5103-5126, 24 units, London, 2002
o/n 20006271A, UP 4837-4849, 13 units, London, 2002 (3)(5)

Sorted By Builder:
London, UP 4000-4074, 75 units, o/n 996164, 2000
London, UP 4275-4278, 4 units, o/n 996164, 2000
London, UP 4279-4284, 6 units, o/n 996168, 2000
London, UP 4089-4118, 30 units, o/n 996192, 2000
London, UP 4635-4639, 5 units, o/n 20006233, 2000
London, UP 4523-4634, 112 units, o/n 996168, 2001
London, UP 4640-4709, 50 units, o/n 996168, 2001
London, UP 4710-4836, 151 units, o/n 20006271, 2002
London, UP 4837-4849, 13 units, o/n 20006271A, 2002 (3)(5)
London, UP 5103-5126, 24 units, o/n 20006271, 2002
Mexico, UP 4075-4088, 14 units, o/n 996172, 2000
Mexico, UP 4165-4274, 110 units, o/n 996172, 2000
Mexico, UP 4285-4522, 238 units, o/n 996188, 2001
Mexico, UP 4850-5102, 153 units, o/n 20006223, 2002
SSSI, UP 4119-4164, 46 units, o/n 996190, 2000

Sorted By Year Built:
2000, UP 4000-4074, 75 units, o/n 996164, London
2000, UP 4075-4088, 14 units, o/n 996172, Mexico
2000, UP 4089-4118, 30 units, o/n 996192, London
2000, UP 4119-4164, 46 units, o/n 996190, SSSI
2000, UP 4165-4274, 110 units, o/n 996172, Mexico
2000, UP 4275-4278, 4 units, o/n 996164, London
2000, UP 4279-4284, 6 units, o/n 996168, London
2000, UP 4635-4639, 5 units, o/n 20006233, London     (1)
2001, UP 4285-4522, 238 units, o/n 996188, Mexico
2001, UP 4523-4634, 112 units, o/n 996168, London
2001, UP 4640-4709, 50 units, o/n 996168, London
2002, UP 4710-4836, 127 units, o/n 20006271, London
2002, UP 4837-4849, 13 units, o/n 20006271A (tentative), London (3)(5)
2002, UP 4850-5102, 153 units, o/n 20006223, Mexico
2002, UP 5103-5126, 24 units, o/n 20006271, London
1, Pre-production flares.
2, Canceled, units shifted to London, o/n 996168.
3, UP 4837-4849 have new cabs plus FIRE electronics.
4, UP 3874-3970 have old nose. 3971-3973 have new nose.
5, See UP 4841 Page

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Last Update 04/09/05

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