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SD70M units on order or delivered in 2004.

UP 3874-5126 on property prior to January 1. 2004

2004---200 units

UP 3779-3822, 44 London Ontario 2004
UP 3823-3835, 13 Bombardier Mexico 2004 (delivered)
UP 3836-3873, 38 Bombardier Mexico 2004 (delivered)
UP 5127-5231, 105 2004

June 2004 (33 units):
3783, 3787, 3790-3792, 3794-3803, 3808, 3810, 3811, 3813, 3815, 3822 (21 from London)
3823-3833, 3835 (12 from Bombardier Mexico)

July 2004 (33 units):
3804-3807, 3809, 3812, 3814, 3816-3822 (14 from London, 3822 was not received in June)
3834, 3836-3853 (19 from Bombardier Mexico)

August 2004 (16 units):
3854-3866, 3868-3870 (16 from Bombardier Mexico)
* 3867 enroute to EMD-McCook, Illinois for emissions testing. Not commissioned by UP yet.

September 2004 (14 units):
3871-3873, 5127-5137 (14 from Bombardier Mexico)

October 2004 (21 units):
3867, 5138-5157 (from Bombardier Mexico)

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Last Update 11/10/04

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