Santa Fe "Pleasure" domes

photo above: Lounge under "Pleasure Dome" on Super Chief 8/72 (eBay/jp)

In 1950, Pullman Standard delivered 6 "Pleasure Domes" for the "Super Chief". The cars had 2 unique features; the "Turquoise Room", and parlor-car style revolving seats in the dome.

The "Turquoise Room", in the short end of the car and always coupled to the diner, seated 12 and was available for private luncheon, cocktail, or dinner parties. The deorative keynote was a reproduction of a silver-accented indian turquoise medallion, displayed in a shadow box on the forward wall.

Under the dome was a cocktail room and forward was a lounge.

In the dome were 8 parlor chairs in the center, with standard double seats in each end facing away from the center. The parlor chairs could be revolved freely for ideal viewing angles.

(Just to note) In 1957 the Pleasure Domes received outside swing hangar trucks and a more up to date remodeled main floor lounge with new furniture in a new arrangement. A decorative panel was installed at the base of the dome staircase between that spot and the main lounge. The main lounge bulkheads received the Indian Sand Paintings at that time. (Some Pleasure Dome Sand Paintings were damaged in the early 70's when Amtrak placed magazine racks top of the paintings with drilled holes for mounting hardware.)

A new lowered ceiling was installed in the main lounge area with punctured panels to create a subtle "star light" effect. Similar to what Budd had introduced on their Big (full length) Dome cars.

The lower lever Bar area was also updated, with tall brass(?)finial fixtures designed by a Topeka shop employee, and new furniture. Also, a decorative wall between the hall and the Turquoise Room replaced the retracting or sliding wall panel area, which formerly was used to open the Turquoise Room as additional lounge seating during non-dining hours. (info courtesy Hubert "BuddPulman")

AT&SF 500 "Plaza Acoma" (not applied), Amtrak 9350, Bill Eldridge/John Singleton ("Hogtrain, Inc") "Santa Fe 500", Jim Stephenson (800068), Texas Southern dinner train in San Antonio TX (lease), Dr. Arthur Cushman, Broadway Dinner Train Nashville TN (lease), Washington Central WCRC 152 (1993) - renumbered 153 one month later - operated 2 special trips on WCRC, BC Rail Pacific Starlight Dinner Train 153 "Twilight" (1997). Operation closed and car listed for sale late 2002. Sold to Ontario Northland 2/2004 as ONT 902 and moved east on rear of 'Canadian' 4/04 with entire dinner train consist.

Comments from a previous owner regarding car on BC Rail: "Looked like a Denny's on rails. They had destroyed the Turquoise room by installing some horizontal storage for food trays. Removed most of the carpet and installed what amounted to sandpaper on the floor to prevent slipping."

AT&SF 501 "Plaza Laguna" (not applied), Amtrak 9351, Espirit de Corp Sportswear (3/84), GGRM museum (12/84), Roy Thorpe, John Baldwin, Washington Central WCRC 104, Spirit of Washington Dinner Train "Spirit of Washington", then renamed "City of Seattle" when relocated to Renton WA. Relettered CBRW (Columbia Basin Railway) 11/02.

AT&SF 502 "Plaza Lamy" (not applied), Amtrak 9352, 1982 to Kyle Railways, Dr Dan Marnell "Plaza Lamy" (800403), Sierra Madre Express, Santa Fe Southern RR (1999).

AT&SF 503 "Plaza Santa Fe" (not applied), Amtrak 9353, 1981 to Standard Industries, Jim Stephenson, Wayne Yetter/California Rail Tours Salinas CA "Plaza Santa Fe" (800392) for charters, (was leased at one time to Branson Scenic).

AT&SF 504 "Plaza Taos" (not applied), Amtrak 9354, AG Cole, Jim Stephenson, Dr Art Cushman Broadway Dinner Train Nashville TN "Santa Fe Chief"(per web page, but apparently not applied) - "Super Chief" - (BDT operation defunct as of 1999) - leased to Tennessee Central. Sold 2007 and moved to Arizona Railroad Museum Chandler AZ for static display.

AT&SF 505 "Plaza Zuni" (not applied), Amtrak 9355, 1981 to Lou Bradas/Pacific Locomotive Assn (unrestored) - stored at Port of Oakland then to moved to Niles Canyon Railway. As of 2011 (or earlier) restored to operating condition and running on NCR "Train of Lights".

Please e-mail us any additional info or corrections.

Additional info: Roy Wullich, PTJ, Bill Eldridge

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