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AT&SF high level lounge cars

photo above: Early Amtrak Hi-Level luggage tag - note "ATSF" still on car [Tim Reierson]

Built in the 50's for ATSF, the cars served under Amtrak, then were "retired" to Beech Grove. In an attempt to upgrade the Coast Starlight, 5 of the six lounges were rebuilt and serve as the "Pacific Parlor" lounge car for first class passengers. Four of the cars operate in the regular consists, and the 5th is rotated into the consists as needed for servicing.

Amtrak car numbers are 39970 and 39972-39975.

39971 was an un-upgraded car, but also bears the "parlor" decal. It had been used occasionally on other trains as a backup lounge but was later sold.

Hi-Level status (all car types)

AT&SF numbered the cars in the 5xx and 7xx series. Amtrak purchased the entire fleet and numbered them in the 9xxx series, and added a "3" prefix when cars received HEP upgrades

Virtualy all of the HEP rebuilds took place at the ATSF Topeka shops under contract, with the exception of 39900 and 39901 which were stored at Beech Grove and HEP rebuilt there. All of the cars initially released from Topeka during the 1980-81 HEP program retained their Santa Fe seats; however as time went by a number of the cars received newer "Superliner" type seats, usually following some form of wreck repair work.

Numbers below are: Amtrak HEP / Amtrak / AT&SF / current owner

(no HEP)/9900/526 - ITAC to Les Kasten

(no HEP)/9901/527 - ITAC to Les Kasten

(no HEP)/9922/548 - (a) wrecked/ITAC to Les Kasten

39900/9941/701 - (x) Philip Sheridan/Ben Butterworth

39901/9943/703 - (x) John's Trains Inc/Dallas TX

39902/9902/528 - Philip Sheridan/Ben Butterworth (for parts)

39903/9903/529 - Dr Plancey Los Angeles CA to Bucol & Associates

39904/9904/530 - Bucol & Associates

39905/9905/531 - Philip Sheridan/Ben Butterworth

39906/9906/532 - Hobo RR Concord NH - noted for sale on Railswap 8/03

39907/9907/533 - Hobo RR Concord NH - noted for sale on Railswap 8/03

39908/9908/534 - (b) wrecked/scrapped

39909/9909/535 - Philip Sheridan/Ben Butterworth

39910/9910/536 - (c) wrecked/training

39911/9911/537 - Amer Assoc Railroaders St Louis

39912/9912/538 - (d) wrecked/ITAC to Les Kasten

39913/9913/539 - Philip Sheridan to Bucol & Associates

39914/9914/540 - Northern Sky Rail Charters/Dave Hoffman

39915/9915/541 - Tom McOwen/Cincinnati Ry Co to Nashville & Eastern

39916/9916/542 - Philip Sheridan to Bucol & Associates

39917/9917/543 - Tom McOwen/Cincinnati Ry Co to Nashville & Eastern

39918/9918/544 - John's Trains Inc/Dallas TX

39919/9919/545 - Pacific Railroad Society

39920/9920/546 - Philip Sheridan to King Publishing/Chuck Crisler - sold to John's Trains Inc/Dallas TX

39921/9921/547 - Amer Assoc Railroaders St Louis

39922 - no such number - see 9922

39923/9923/549 - Philip Sheridan/IFE Leasing

39924 - no such number - no 9924 - no 550

39925/9925/725 - (e)(z) wrecked/scrapped

39926/9926/726 - Northern Sky Rail Charters/Dave Hoffman (wrecked 4/85 Granby CO)

39927/9927/727 - Philip Sheridan/Ben Butterworth

39928/9928/728 - Philip Sheridan/Ben Butterworth

39929/9929/729 - Bucol & Associates

39930/9930/730 - Philip Sheridan to Bucol & Associates

39931/9931/731 - (z) Philip Sheridan to King Publishing/Chuck Crisler - sold to Jim Stephenson Houston TX. Listed for sale 2008.

39932/9932/732 - (z) Philip Sheridan/Ben Butterworth

39933/9933/733 - Jim Evenson/Heritage Rail Chicago IL

39934/9934/734 - (z) John's Trains Inc/Dallas TX

39935/9935/735 - Philip Sheridan/IFE Leasing - restored to ATSF configuration as "Mesa Verde" (800857). First hi-level with an Amtrak 40 year overhaul - retention toilets - sill work - trucks rebuilt - removing 'Amstuff' inside revealed original Santa Fe artwork.

39936/9936/736 - Philip Sheridan/IFE Leasing

39937/9951/711 - (f)(x) wrecked/scrapped

39938/9955/715 - (x) Northern Sky Rail Charters/Dave Hoffman

39939 - no such number

39940/9940/700 - (h) Amtrak service

39941 - no such number - see 39900

39942/9942/702 - Northern Sky Rail Charters/Dave Hoffman

39943 - no such number - see 39901

39944/9944/704 - (g) Heartland Flyer - lower level restroom fire - to Pete Messina - to Ben Butterworth

39945/9945/705 - Tom McOwen/Cincinnati Ry Co to Nashville & Eastern

39946/9946/706 - ITAC to Les Kasten

39947/9947/707 - John's Trains Inc/Dallas TX

39948/9948/708 - Tom McOwen/Cincinnati Ry Co to Nashville & Eastern

39949/9949/709 - John's Trains Inc/Dallas TX

39950/9950/710 - Philip Sheridan/Ben Butterworth

39951 - no such number - see 39937

39952/9952/712 - (h) Amtrak service

39953/9953/713 - (h) Amtrak - stored out of service

39954/9954/714 - Philip Sheridan/IFE Leasing

39955 - no such number - see 39938

39956/9956/716 - Philip Sheridan to Bucol & Associates

39957/9957/717 - (h) Amtrak service

39958/9958/718 - ITAC to Les Kasten

39959/9959/719 - Philip Sheridan/IFE Leasing

39960/9960/720 - Tom McOwen/Cincinnati Ry Co to Nashville & Eastern

39961/9961/721 - Philip Sheridan to Bucol & Associates

39962/9962/722 - Philip Sheridan/Ben Butterworth

39963/9963/723 - John's Trains Inc/Dallas TX

39964/9964/724 - Philip Sheridan to Bucol & Associates

LOUNGES - names added in 2008 refurb
39970/9970/575 - Amtrak "Columbia Valley"

39971/9971/576 - Northern Sky Rail Charters/Dave Hoffman

39972/9972/577 - Amtrak "Napa Valley"

39973/9973/578 - Amtrak "Santa Lucia Highlands"

39974/9974/579 - Amtrak "Sonoma Valley"

39975/9975/580 - Amtrak "Willamette Valley"

39980/9980/650 - Philip Sheridan

39981/9981/651 - Tom McOwen/Cincinnati Ry Co to Nashville & Eastern

39982/9982/652 - Don Williams Atlanta GA - noted for sale on Railswap 8/03

39983/9983/653 - Philip Sheridan/IFE Leasing

39984/9984/654 - John's Trains Inc/Dallas TX

39985/9985/655 - Ben Butterworth

(a)9922 wrecked 10/02/79 Train#4 Lawrence KS. Train entered 35 mph curve at 80mph - car shot over a waist high retaining wall shearing off virtually everything below the floor line.

(b)39908 wrecked 9/22/93 Train#2 Saraland (Mobile) AL

(c)39910 wrecked 7/07/85 Train#8 Elmira ID. Sent to Texas A&M 1995 for fire training use.

(d)39912 wrecked 10/09/86 Train#8 Fall River WI

(e)39925 wrecked 10/95 Train#1 Hyder AZ

(f)39937 wrecked 3/15/84 Train#7 Bainville MT

(g)39944 burned 3/1/03 in New Orleans as train 59 was being serviced - probable cigarette in trash in lower restroom. Trucks to UP 7007 "Southern Hospitality"

(h) Amtrak pulled all coaches from service in 2007 and put them in storage.

(x)There were only 4 "straight" (72 seat) coaches rebuilt into "step down" transition dorm cars. These were 39900, 39901, 39937, and 39938. These four cars had a different floor plan, with 37 coach seats and 16 dorm rooms upstairs and downstairs. After rebuilding, the excess ATSF coach seats were installed in Amtrak coaches 4740-4742. All other rebuilds for "Trans-Dorms" were from the original "step down" cars built for the AT&SF. These cars had floor plans that varied slightly from one to another, with 34 to 40 coach seats and 16 to 18 crew rooms.

(z)Four 68 seat transition cars were rebuilt with 72 seats and hi-level pass-thrus at each end - 39925, 39931, 39932, 39934. (jhd) "Possibly"? this was done to replace the 4 coaches converted the other way?

Philip Sheridan/Ben Butterworth (10) 7t, 2c, 1d
Amtrak (9) 4c, 5l
Bucol & Associates (9) 6t, 3c
John's Trains (8) 4t, 3c, 1d
Les Kasten (6) 4t, 2c
Nashville & Eastern (6) 2t, 3c, 1d
Philip Sheridan (6) 3t, 2c, 1d
Dave Hoffman (5) 3t, 1c, 1l
Hobo Jct RR (2) 2t
Amer Assoc Railroaders St Louis (2) 2t
Ben Butterworth (2) 1c,1d
Pacific Railroad Society (1) 1t
Jim Evenson/Ben Butterworth/Heritage Rail (1) 1t
Don Williams (1) 1d
Jim Stephenson (1) 1t

scrapped (4) 4t

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