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The Bad Water Railway started out as the Bad Water Line, owned by Bonneville Transloaders, Inc. out of Riverton, WY. It was established in 1995 after BTI bought the rail line abandoned by the Chicaco & Northwestern RR. In May 2002 it was bought by Bighorn Divide & Wyoming Railroad Inc. (BDW), a noncarrier.

The line runs from Shoshoni to Bonneville, BNSF Jct. mile post 304.0, on the Casper Sub. It was established in 1995 after BTI bought the rail line abandoned by the Chicaco & Northwestern RR. I imagine it was named after Badwater Creek that runs through Bonneville. Just a note, Poison Creek runs just south of Shoshoni where the depot is located.

The main operations include loading molten sulfur into tank cars and soda ash trucked in from the Green River area.. The soda ash operation at this time is iffy.

The following is from Norm Metcalf on 12/29/01. The Bad Water Railway is expanding. A new railroad line is being built from Lysite to Lost Cabin WY to serve a gas-processing plant. BWL is the designated operator. As part of the deal the BNSF has granted them trackage rights from Bonneville to Lysite.

Unit #
1st #
2nd #
3rd #
4th #
5th #
6th #
7th #
Frame #
BDW 2001 GP38-2 ITC 2002 NW 4161 NS:2 4161 GRR 4161 OMLX 4161 CKRY 382 OMLX 382 766065-2
BDW 1001 SW1500 SOU 2320 NS:2 2320 7139-21 12/68
BTIX 1 SW1500 SP 2636 HELM ?? 4608-46 5/72
1, Thanks to Norm Metcalf for the roster info.
2, BDW 2001 is painted gray with "Bighorn Divide & Wyoming RR",
in blue lettering, on the side of the long hood.
3, BDW 1001 is kind of rough.
4, BTIX 1 is done like BDW 2002.

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Last Update 08/27/02

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