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Articles of Incorporation for the Cheyenne and Northern Railway CO were drawn up on March 1, 1886. The six incorporators were: Henery G. Hay; Thos. Sturgis; Francis E. Warren; Erasmus Nagle; William W. Corlett; and Philip Dater.

The Cheyenne and Northern was to run north from Cheyenne to Douglas, to head off a subsidiary of Chicago and North Western and on to the southern boundry line of British America. Unfortunately, the C&NW subsidiary made it to Douglas first, and C&N stopped construction at Wendover in 1887. A total of 125.18 miles was built.

On March 18, 1890, the UP formed a company called the Union Pacific, Denver and Gulf Railway to combine the Colorado Central (Denver to Cheyenne) with the Cheyenne and Northern (Cheyenne to Wendover) and two additional railroads that were operating in Texas.

When the UP entered receivership in 1893, a separate receiver was appointed for the UPD&G. In 1898, the UPD&G was combined with the DL&G (Denver Leadville and Gunnison) to form the Colorado and Southern Railway. In 1908, the CB&Q acquired a 2/3 control of the C&S Railway. In 1970 the CB&Q was one of the formation partners for the Burlington Northern.

Although the C&S was a part of the BN merger, the C&S maintained it's independence as a railroad until 1981, when BN merged the railroad into it's system.

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Last Update 07/26/01

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