"Number 226 is on the ground. Its companion was driven back west. The
day after this, a fair number of spectators climbed all over the loco.
No vandalism. This was a Saturday in November, 1984 according to my
slide. I forgot the date. I thought the derailment happened on a
Friday, but I guess not. The derailment started on the other side of
Flynn Road. I was up on the hill (it was a field then) when I felt
vibrations; looked at the train and saw the loco leaning and rocking
violently, but still moving, south I seem to remember. I remember the
train moving a car length or two before stopping. It took me half that
time to realize what was wrong. I can't explain why this is on this
side of Flynn Rd; maybe it is a different derailment; or the train
moved further than I remember; or they re-railed and moved the engine