This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/AbandonedLIRR.
Price Parkway Spur
The Price Parkway spur is located in Farmingdale, right off the Main Line. This spur is very extensive, and goes in an odd track pattern. Esentially, this spur is a big loop, with a few sidings to different customers here and there. Comming off the main is a switch, one half goes east behind P.C. Richards Warehouse, and another goes North to the large network. The bulk of products shipped here was in boxcars. Price Parkway hasn't seen an active customer in quite a few years, and it is unlikely it will again ( unless P.C. Richards receives service ) because although of the tracks were recently paved over, and some are removed. This spur would be a good candidate for storage since the switch to the main line is still intact.
Track leading to P.C. Richards warehouse
Switch from the Main
Track leading North
Same track as above
Last few feet before the bumper
The track still runs beyond the bumper until it is covered with pavement
Another section showing a bit more north East
This section curves North and continues on some distance
General Motors Spur
This spur is located in Bethpage, just west of B Tower. This spur is located right by the Central Railway ROW. This spur travels South from the switch down to a warehouse. This spur also appears in the 1966 Freight Customers Book. More photos to come soon. Thanks to Pat Masterson for this Spur info and Photos
GM spur with B tower in the way back. Pat Masterson Photo
GM spur, Where the switch was located. Pat Masterson Photo
Spur looking North towards Mainline. Pat Masterson Photo
Spur curving to the South. Pat Masterson Photo
Right before entering the lot where the warehouse is located. Pat Masterson Photo
Riverhead Town Trackage
The following photos are of the trackage in the heart of Riverhead. There is a decent amount of track just in this small area.
See the following photos and
Map of this area.
Switch off the siding that enteres into Slaters. There is another switch inside the fence, And this spur once served as a LILCO track.
The rest of the siding is burried under debris and ballast
Looking back east you can see the switch leading into Slaters and the other switch to get to the buildings. The spur looking east once served LI Ice Co. and LI Caul Association
The first unloading door on the spur ( Spot # 1 on Map )
Crumbling smoke stack by the 1st building
Another unloading door ( Spot # 2 on Map )
A more modern unloading door ( Spot # 3 on Map )
Wooden unloading door ( Spot # 4 on Map )
The last unloadng door of the spur ( Spot # 5 on Map )
Track Bumper, Just before Marcy Avenue ( Spot # 5 on Map )
LI Potato Building, No more track but the ROW is visible.
1st Unloading door ( Spot # 6 on map )
The other unloading door at LI Potato, Now sealed up ( Spot # 7 on map )
Another building once served off the same ROW, The 1966 freight customer book notes this one as just " Jackson ", Spots 8 & 9 are visible.
Unloading doors ( Spot # 9 on map )
The end of the ROW looking West
This is another building that once recieved rail shipments, it is just East of Jackson, I did not include this on the map as I do not know about it.