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Update- 4/18/06
Welcome to the Drummer Creek Lines Garden Railroad. As spring begins to poke it's head around the corner, activity on the railroad starts to pick-up again. The engines have all been serviced along with new remote control systems installed, additionally the track crews have been busy fabricating rails and checking supplies in anticipation of a busy spring. |
This winter has provided ample opportunity to build a few new structures, power poles, and cut lumber for the trestle that will need to be built this spring for the new line expansion. Please take a look around the site, watch the videos, look at the photos and stay tuned for more...
Click Here to see a quick video about the Drummer Creek Lines
Drummer Creek Track Plan
DCGRR Design Shop- The Drummer Creek Garden Railroad track plan is now available on the web site. Macromedia Fireworks was used to create the artist rendition of the layout. Read More...
From Birdhouse to Fishing Shack
DCGRR Construction Shop- Inspired by the February '06 GRR and a helping hand from my Aunt and Grandmother I have created several new line side structures from birdhouses. Relatively inexpensive, the birdhouses were all purchased from a local hobby store and converted to a usable structure in under a day. Read More... |
Click Here for our Webrings Page |
Name: Drummer Creek Line
Gauge: 1
Scale: 1:29
Era: 1960s to 1980s
Theme: Central Illinois Short Line
Length of mainline: About 300'
Age: 4 years
Track: Aristocraft Brass
Maximum gradient: 2%
Minimum radius: 8'
Structures: Custom, scratch built, and kit built
Motive power : Track Powered |
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