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Park district to host railroad history walk
The Portage County Park District is hosting a natural and railroad history walk Saturday along the Towner's Woods Rail Trail to clebrate National Trails Day.
The walk will begin at 2 p.m. at Towner's Woods Park in Franklin Township.
The district owns two miles of the former Alantic & Great Western rail corridor, 1.25 miles of which is open for non-motorized recreation such as hiking, biking and horseback riding.
Naturalists will accompany walkers to describe the plant and animal life along the way including remnant prairie.
Members of the Ravenna Railroad Historical Society will explain the history of the railroad.
Send Mail to or to
The Ravenna Railroad Historical Society, 1999
873 West Main St.
Ravenna, Ohio 44266
Phone: 330-298-0220 Fax: 330-298-0221
Web design by R. Moskal

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