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Rail history buffs to trace C & P route
The Ravenna Railroad Historical Society will visit the sites of the original Cleveland & Pittsburg Railroad line right-of-way between Ravenna and Hudson at 5 p.m. Saturday, May 22.
The group will meet at the Jenkins Building of Reed Memorial Library where a carpool will be formed. Stops will be made at several locations along the former C&P.
The group will return at 7 p.m. for its regular meeting at the annex, where coffee and doughnuts will be provided.
Anyone interested in railroad history is welcometo attend. Call Ryan Fitzpatrick, senior vice president and general manager, for more informationi at 330-298-0220.
Send Mail to or to
The Ravenna Railroad Historical Society, 1999
873 West Main St.
Ravenna, Ohio 44266
Phone: 330-298-0220 Fax: 330-298-0221
Web design by R. Moskal

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