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James Bond 007 Road Race Set

In addition to All Aboard, A.C. Gilbert manufactured road race sets using the scenic panel format. Gilbert Autorama slot car track was mounted on six 17 x 17 scenic panels just like the All Aboard Train Sets. Included were scenery items such as mountains, highway signs, a fuel tank, guard rails, and small plastic trees that were also used on All Aboard. The theme of this set was James Bond 007 and included the infamous Bond Aston Martin DB5 and Mustang Fastback Slotcars. This set as shown in the pictures below is listed on pages 446-447 of the 1965 Sears Christmas Catalog and originally sold for $34.44. In the pictures notice how the box resembles All Aboard with its "Completely Wired-Landscaped-All Ready To Go" wording. The 1966 Gilbert catalog lists three versions of these race sets, an oval, figure eight, and the deluxe set as pictured here. This is a very collectable item from the last days of A.C.Gilbert. If you have one of these sets and are looking for parts try this link Hobby Surplus Supply.

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