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All Aboard Scenery

The various scenery items (shown above) are placed on the scenic panels to complete the landscaping of the All Aboard layout. The houses have a preformed base on the straight panels and there are different sized holes drilled in the panels to mount stop signs, streetlights, fences and trees. The scenery pieces are the most common items missing from an All Aboard set.

There are three different houses, a Ranch style, a Colonial style 1 1/2 story, and the 1 story L shaped New England Rancher. This house may or may not have been produced. If it was actually produced it would have been included with the whistle panel or possibly in the early 1965 sets. The colonial house is also found with the whistle panel. The barn came only with the 12 panel set and had no specific mounting area. The scenery in the Winter Wonderland Set is oversprayed with white paint to simulate a snow effect.

This Plasticville New England Rancher was modified by Karl Raab of Chicago to recreate the rare "L" style house that was supposed to be included with the whistle panel. The 1 1/2 story Colonial house is most commonly found included with the whistle panel.

Several large (put together) shade trees were included in each set. They were much larger than any of the other trees and were assembled from six individual sections and a trunk. The large shade trees are available from Plasticville in a Summer or Autumn version.

Many of the scenery items are still available today as originals or reproduction. The hardest items to find are the L shape and Colonial houses, street lights, stop signs and the longer picket fence section.

Original and reproduction parts for All Aboard can be purchased from Port Lines Hobby Supply and Hobby Surplus Sales. Both carry an extensive line of repair parts for American Flyer Trains.

Please go to the Set Content Pages (click the set number below) for an exact listing of scenic items included with each set.

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