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City Of Los Angeles baggage label
City Of Los Angeles baggage label. From the Author's collection.
Used with permission of Union Pacific Railroad

City of Los Angeles, 16th Train, 1950

Exterior Colors

The exterior colors of all units in the train are easy to establish: they were all Armour Yellow with Harbor Mist grey roofs, underframes, truck side-frames, and the bottom part of the sides. It wasn't until later that Union Pacific painted the truck side-frames in a silver color.

Interior Color Charts

The interior color schemes seem to have varied from car to car. This will be an effort to list the color schemes for as many cars as I can find. A great thanks goes out to the generous contributors on the Yahoo PCL list for the information in the charts.

The colors themselves are another problem. There may not be any preserved samples of all of them, so I am just guessing here and hoping that the differences will not be that noticeable inside the models.


The trademark "Union Pacific" is used with permission of Union Pacific Railroad.

Updated 08/05/2006 Copyright © 2006
Per Harwe
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