Area | Color |
Sample |
Paint | Accuracy |
Lounge Room and Cafe Section |
| Ceiling | | Blue per sample CH-1841 | |
| Guess |
| Frieze Panels | | Zebrawood Flexwood (Flitch #9056) | |
| Guess |
| Pier Panels | | Gold tint Mirrors | |
| |
Dining Section |
| Pier Panels | | Clear Mirrors | |
| |
Lounge and Cafe Section |
| Wainscoting | Imitation Leather | L.C. Chase #5518 | |
| Guess |
| Floor | Carpet | Mandel Bros. Blue #2 | |
| Guess |
| Seat Covering | Lounge Section |
12 chairs: Collins and Aikman's Tacoma Blue #S-12029-1 | |
| Guess |
4 settees: L.C. Chase's Tacoma Copper #8730-P-4283 | |
| Guess |
1 desk chair: same as settee | |
| Guess |
Card section: same as settee | |
| Guess |
| Cafe Section |
16 chairs: Eagle-Ottawa's Blue BC-93 | |
| Guess |
8 chairs: Eagle-Ottawa's Copper TMS AD7 | |
| Guess |
| Window Shades | Interior |
Cheney Bros. #9796-1 Repp pattern Rose | |
| Guess |
| Exterior |
Aluminum Pantasote #2798-18 | |
Aluminum foil | Close Enough |
| Draperies | Both sections |
Moss Rose #12243, color 70, blue and brown | |
| Guess |
| Portieres | Dining Section |
Moss Rose #12243, color 70, blue and brown | |
| Guess |
| Window Capping | Both Sections |
Caf-O-Lite, copper to match 9302 | |
| Guess |
| End Door | Lounge end |
Medium blue, sample CH-1843 | |
| Guess |
Passageway, Kitchen End |
| Ceiling | |
Light Apricot per sample | |
| Guess |
| Wall | |
Medium Apricot per sample | |
| Guess |
| Base | |
Dark Apricot per sample | |
| Guess |
| Floor covering | Lobby at Pantry |
Textone unglazed ceramic, red | |
| Guess |
| Kitchen Passageway |
Wingfoot rubber to match Armstrong #017 reddish brown | |
| Guess |
| Window shades | Interior |
Copper and blue, Lussky, White and Coolidge, pattern #15366-D | |
| Guess |
| Exterior |
Aluminum Pantasote #2798-18 | |
Aluminum foil | Close Enough |
| Swing Door | Kitchen Passageway |
Medium Apricot per sample CH-1835 | |
| Guess |
| End Door | Kitchen Passageway |
Dark Apricot per sample CH-1836 | |
| Guess |
| Window Capping | |
Caf-O-Lite, Terra Cotta to match #25 | |
| Guess |
| Stewart's Desk Top | |
Formica, blue H-5197 | |
| Guess |