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City Of Los Angeles baggage label
City Of Los Angeles baggage label. From the Author's collection.
Used with permission of Union Pacific Railroad

City of Los Angeles, 16th Train, 1950

Interior Color Charts

Cafe-Lounge - "Mission Inn"

Pullman Standard delivered the two Cafe-Lounge cars "Mission Inn" (assigned to City Of Los Angeles) and "Hacienda" (assigned to City Of San Francisco) in 1942. The Pullman General Specification for lot 6635 describes the colors as listed in the table below. All colors for this car were to be provided by Sherwin-Williams and the numbers should be the S-W numbers.

Detailed Chart

As always, the colors that were used are not easy to determine anymore. What follows is a guess until (and if) I can locate authentic Sherwin-Williams color samples.

AreaColor Sample                 PaintAccuracy
Lounge Room and Cafe Section
 Ceiling Blue per sample CH-1841   Guess
 Frieze Panels Zebrawood Flexwood (Flitch #9056)   Guess
 Pier Panels Gold tint Mirrors    
Dining Section
 Pier Panels Clear Mirrors    
Lounge and Cafe Section
 WainscotingImitation LeatherL.C. Chase #5518   Guess
 FloorCarpetMandel Bros. Blue #2   Guess
 Seat CoveringLounge Section 12 chairs: Collins and Aikman's
Tacoma Blue #S-12029-1
  4 settees: L.C. Chase's Tacoma
Copper #8730-P-4283
  1 desk chair: same as settee   Guess
  Card section: same as settee   Guess
  Cafe Section 16 chairs: Eagle-Ottawa's
Blue BC-93
  8 chairs: Eagle-Ottawa's
Copper TMS AD7
 Window ShadesInterior Cheney Bros. #9796-1
Repp pattern Rose
 Exterior Aluminum Pantasote #2798-18  Aluminum foilClose Enough
 DraperiesBoth sections Moss Rose #12243,
color 70, blue and brown
 PortieresDining Section Moss Rose #12243,
color 70, blue and brown
 Window CappingBoth Sections Caf-O-Lite, copper to match 9302   Guess
 End DoorLounge end Medium blue, sample CH-1843   Guess
Passageway, Kitchen End
 Ceiling  Light Apricot per sample   Guess
 Wall  Medium Apricot per sample   Guess
 Base  Dark Apricot per sample   Guess
 Floor coveringLobby at Pantry Textone unglazed ceramic, red   Guess
  Kitchen Passageway Wingfoot rubber to match Armstrong
#017 reddish brown
 Window shadesInterior Copper and blue, Lussky, White
and Coolidge, pattern #15366-D
 Exterior Aluminum Pantasote #2798-18  Aluminum foilClose Enough
 Swing DoorKitchen Passageway Medium Apricot per sample CH-1835   Guess
 End DoorKitchen Passageway Dark Apricot per sample CH-1836   Guess
 Window Capping  Caf-O-Lite, Terra Cotta to match #25   Guess
 Stewart's Desk Top  Formica, blue H-5197   Guess


The trademark "Union Pacific" is used with permission of Union Pacific Railroad.

Updated 01/18/2007 Copyright © 2007
Per Harwe
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