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City Of Los Angeles baggage label
City Of Los Angeles baggage label. From the Author's collection.
Used with permission of Union Pacific Railroad

City of Los Angeles, 16th Train, 1950

Interior Color Charts

Observation Lounge - Sun Valley

Pullman Standard delivered the two Observation-Lounge cars "Sun Valley" (assigned to City Of Los Angeles) and "Nob Hill" (assigned to City Of San Francisco) in 1937. The Pullman General Specification for lot 6524 is very light on the actual color description for these cars. The specification mostly refers to samples and very few references are given to actual colors, see the table below. All colors for this car were to be provided by Sherwin-Williams and the numbers should be the S-W numbers.

This specification is for the "as delivered" version of the cars. The cars were later rebuilt and may have had other colors in 1950 when the Sun Valley was used in the 16th COLA train.

Detailed Chart

As always, the colors that were used are not easy to determine anymore. What follows is a guess until (and if) I can locate authentic Sherwin-Williams color samples.

AreaColor Sample                 PaintAccuracy
Lounge and Observation Room, Bar Room, Including Passageway
 Base Color  Nantes blue, dark #2 [1]   Guess
 Wainscoating  Nantes blue, light #2   Guess
 Pier Panels and Bulkheads  Flexwood, Oriental wood   Guess
 Frieze and Bulkhead Panels  Nantes blue, light #2   Guess
 Ceiling  Cream #2   Guess
 Window Capping  Same as pier panels   Guess
Toilet Room
 "Colors to be developed"       
Barber Shop
 Ceiling  White, Ivory #1    
 Walls  Jonquil yellow   Guess
 Floor  Wingfoot rubber tile to match
Armstrong #100 blue
Nurse's Room
 Base  Tan #6486-3    
 Walls  Tan #6486-2   Guess
 Ceiling  Tan #6486-1   Guess
1To be made "A little darker and a little bluer" than the sample, according to the specification.


The trademark "Union Pacific" is used with permission of Union Pacific Railroad.

Updated 01/19/2007 Copyright © 2007
Per Harwe
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