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City Of Los Angeles baggage label
City Of Los Angeles baggage label. From the Author's collection.
Used with permission of Union Pacific Railroad

City of Los Angeles, 16th Train, 1950


The "moving train" shows the consist of the 16th COLA. Each picture is of the model I have, or am looking for. The cars are shown in the correct direction according to the information I have gathered (see the "Progress" section).

The entry for each unit in the train shows the unit, Picture, Unit name or number, Manufacturer, manufacturing year and Plan (for PS) or Lot (for ACF), Chosen model. Detailed descriptions of each car as well as a list of other models that is available on the market are listed in the detailed information about the unit (click on the unit type). Move the mouse in to the yellow area to stop the train.

COLA 16th Train, 1950
| Engine A | Engine B1 | Engine B2 | Mail | Dorm | Coach1 | Coach2 | Cafe | Diner | Lounge | 4-4-2 | 10-6 | 6-6-4 | 6-6-4 | 4-4-2 | Obs |

Consist Listing

UnitManufacturer - YearPlanLotOrigin
Engine E8A #929EMD 1950   New
Engine E8B #929BEMD 1950   New
Engine E6B #987CEMD 1941   COLA
Mail Express #5620PS 19417469 6664 
Baggage Dorm #6006ACF 1949  3029New
Coach #5340PS 19417468 6663Challenger
Coach #5353PS 19417471 6663Challenger
Cafe Lounge "Mission Inn" (LA-611)PS 19417446 6635COLA 7 - 1941
Diner #4815ACF 1949  3032New
Club Lounge "Loup River" (6200)ACF 1949  3034New
Sleeper 4-4-2 "Figueroa"PS 19414069F 6636COLA 7 - 1941
Sleeper 10-6 "Pacific Island"Budd 1949  9660-039New
Sleeper 6-6-4 "American Command"PS 19424099 6669COP 3 - 1947
Sleeper 6-6-4 "American Courier"PS 19424099 6669COLA 16 - 1947
Sleeper 4-4-2 "Palos Verdes"PS 19414069F 6636COLA extra - 1941
Observation Lounge "Sun Valley" (LA-901)PS 19377399 6524COLA 7 - 1939


 Model Summary Prototype Manufacturer  Model Manufacturer
Ready to Use5
Kit/Model is acquired11
On order0
Kit/Model available0
No kit/model available0
Incorrect model ready to use0
ACF: American Car and Foundry
Budd: Budd
EMD: Electro-Motive Division
PS: Pullman Standard
ABL: American Beauty Lines
AMB: American Model Builders
BAL: Balboa
BCS: Brass Car Sides
BLI: Broadway Limited
BLP: Blue Line Products
CHI: Challenger Imports
CYD: Coach Yard
EBV: E&B Valley
ECW: Eastern Car Works
HAL: Hallmark Models
NJI: N.J.International
OMI: Overland Models Inc.
P2K: Proto 2000
SOH: Soho
USP: Union Station Products
WAL: Walthers
WAS: Wasatch Model Company


The trademark "Union Pacific" is used with permission of Union Pacific Railroad.

Updated 12/16/2007 Copyright © 2006-2007
Per Harwe
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