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Ambroid Wood Craftsman Kits

1 of 5000, First Series

There were two different "1 of 5000" series produced. The first series was announced in 1957. A Model Railroader ad in the June, 1957 issue introduced the first car in the series. The last, 12th, car in the series was announced in March 1962. That averages a production of one car every 5 and a half month.

An Ambroid catalog sheet from January 1959 lists the "Special 1 of 5000" kits as number "K-8" and this entry is illustrated with the "1 1/2 Door Automobile Car" in a January 1960 catalog sheet.

Ambroid made the impression that the "1-of-5,000" kits sold out very quickly. The sales manager took out a special ad in Model Railroader when kit #4 was introduced, encouraging modelers to line up and purchase the new kit since all the previous kits were sold out from Ambroid, and there was not going to be any re-runs. This was repeated in the introduction ad of kit #10, where Ambroid claimed that all previous kits were sold out.

Click on the Kit Name to get the detailed description of the kit, Click on the camera symbol to get a picture of the built kit.

Kit #Kit nameRoadCar TypeBoxMade ByReissued ByNotes
11 1/2 Door Automobile Car picture availableSP AutomobileGG. NN: HB-3June 1957
2Von Allmen Pickle Tank Car picture availableGATX TankAg1. NN: HT-1October 1957
3Outside Braced Caboose picture availableNCStL CabooseBg
NN: HC-2May 1958
4Vinegar Tank Car (Richter) picture availableRSCX TankGb
NN: HT-2.September 1958
5Outside Braced Reefer picture availablePRR ReeferWd
NN: HR-2February 1959
6Western Union Material Car picture availableWUTX BoxRg NN: M-3August 1959
7Mathieson Dry Ice Car picture availableNX ReeferBk. NN: HR-3December 1959
850th Anniversary Kit:
N&W Wooden Hopper Car
picture available
Milw. Composite Gondola picture available
GG3. NN: HH-1
N: HG-1.
March 1960, "Birthday Special"
9A.C.L. Phosphate Car picture availableACL HopperBg2 NN: HH-2.October 1960
10Speedy Poultry & Reefer Combination Car picture availableLPTX ReeferCr
NN: HS-4April 1961
11St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Stock Car picture availableStLIM&S StockAg2 NN: HS-3.October 1961
12NYC Container Car picture availableNYC GondolaAg. NN: HG-2March 1962
The "1-of-5,000"-Kits and their Prototypes


1 of 5000, Second Series

The success with the first series of "1 of 5000" was repeated in 1962, when the Second series of "1 of 5000" was issued. A pre-announcement ad in August 1962 promised another set of 12 completely new and different kits. Each would be a uniquely distinctive car for operating or display. The series was introduced in a September, 1962 Model Railroader ad. I have not seen any evidence of the 11th and 12th cars in the series, and number 10 was probably produced in December 1968.

Click on the Kit Name to get the detailed description of the kit, Click on the camera symbol to get a picture of the built kit.

Kit #Kit nameRoadCar TypeBoxMade ByReissued ByNotes
1US Navy Helium Gas Tank Car picture availableUSNX TankGG2. NN: HT-3September 1962
2Full Door Box Car (SOU) picture availableSOU BoxL. N (D)N: HB-7October 1963
3ACF Center Flow Hopper Car, Special "Two-in-one" picture availableUP
HopperR2. N D September 1964
4Riverside Insulated Oil Tank Car picture availableROTX TankT. NN: HT-4 
570' Pulpwood Car picture availableBAR
NN: HF-1Introduced in April, 1965 and sold in July, 1966. Listed as #2 in the series in the 3,66 review.
6Southern Railway "Big Boy" Tobacco Hogshead Car picture availableSOU BoxGr NN: B-8November, 1965 MR
7Cushion Coil Car picture availableB&O FlatWd. NN: HG-3.Reviewed in October, 1966 MR.
8Combine - Work Caboose picture available- MOWCr N +?N: HP-4March 1967
9CB&Q Dynamometer Car picture availableCB&Q MOWCr2. NN: HM-4December 1967
10Triple Decker Dormitory Car picture availableStPM&M MOWCr. N December 1968?
The "1-of-5,000"-Kits and their Prototypes




Ambroid is a registered trademark of Graphic Vision, Inc. and is used here with permission.

Model Railroader is a registered trademark of Kalmbach Publishing Co.

Updated 07/04/2006 Copyright 2006
Per Harwe
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