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Steam engine a History of the AMRA

The Alexandria Model Railroad Association was originally formed sometime in the mid 1980’s as Alexandria Railroad Modelers. This club was a modular club and the members built modules according to common specifications to permit interconnection. This modular plan would allow the club to set up the modules in many locations in Alexandria. During this time they were host to train shows in Nelson in the Corral Supper Club banquet hall. The club also traveled to various cities setting up the modules for train shows other clubs were hosting.

Some early members of the club were Tony Faust, Chad Larson, Randy Thoen, Cedric Zemke, Ron Branch, Carl Johnson, Jerry Williams, Jerry Jensen, Bill Payne, and Kirk Gunderson. Home base for the large modular layout was the ex-Social Security office building on 3rd East. Later the group moved to a former church a block east of North Nokomis. The original layout featured a gauntlet bridge with automatic signaling and train control built by Tony.

In September of 2002 the club moved to Central Square Community Center in Glenwood and set the modules up as a permanent layout. While here we renamed our club the Lakes Area Model Railroad Association, applied and received a non profit 501 (c) 3. During our time in Glenwood we were host to many train shows with clubs from various communities displaying modular layouts and vendors selling railroad related items. While in Glenwood the club received several modules from another club and built a smaller 12’ x 20’ modular “HO” layout to travel to train shows hosted by clubs in communities around the area.

In February 2008 the club moved back to Alexandria in the lower level of the former KCCO building on 8th Street. The members refurbished the room and readied the room to build a layout. We renamed the club Alexandria Model Railroad Association. In May of 2008 we started building a new permanent layout. The layout room is 30’ x 44’ with the layout being approximately 24’ x 40’. This layout is completely open to walk around in and is open on all sides. The layout features a Midwest theme and represents the year 1954 to allow operation of steam and diesel locomotives with passenger service still available. The theme nickname is the “transition era”.

We are open Monday evenings from 7:00PM to 10:00PM and many Saturday mornings from 9:30AM to Noon.

As a non profit organization we have displayed our club members traveling layouts at several nursing homes, bringing the Worlds Greatest Hobby to the residents. We have displays of “LEGO”, “Lionel”, “HO” and “N” scale layouts. We have done nursing home visits at Good Samaritan in Hoffman, Memorial Home in Osakis, Knute Nelson, Nelson Gables and Bethany in Alexandria. We have been host to Boy Scout members working towards their model railroading badge.

In May each year we host a model railroad show and sale. This show commences at the Runestone Community Center in Alexandria and continues to grow each year. In 2009 we had 16 layouts and 9 vendors displaying and selling railroad merchandise.

We welcome visitors to explore the wonderful world of railroad modeling and see the many types of steam and diesel locomotives, passenger operations, various types of rolling stock hauled by these locomotives and scenery of the Midwest on display.

There is no charge for visiting but we welcome donations to help finance this project. Come visit and see a wonderful display of railroading in miniature as the Worlds Greatest Hobby.

Annual dues for full members at this time is $60.00 per.

Alexandria Model Railroad Association

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