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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/amra.

Lamrra logoThe AMRA in Alexandria:
11/09/11 - Progress on the layout continues.

Minneapolis YardMpls Yard
East yard facing North
Eastern Industry
Northeast corner to Southwest
Northern Industry
A&D Track SouthendNorthern Industry
Yard tracks Southend
Yard tracks Southend
Island facing NorthNorthwest Industry
1st of 5 bridgesNorth Bridge & Industry 2nd of 5 bridges
The Roundhouse
3rd of 5 bridgesClose up near Fargo
DM&IR under West loop
East side Industry
DM&IR Westbound at 3rd bridge
DM&IR into East loop 5th bridge
Minneapolis yard
4th Bridge
Southeast yard
DM&IR under 1st bridge
North Village
DM&IR under 1st bridgeGrain Elevator

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