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Railroad  Photography by Jim Springer

     Welcome to my Train and Railroad Photography website!  I have been photographing trains for over 23 years, and I wish it was a lot longer!  Both my grandfathers and my father worked on the Railroad, the late, great, Pennsylvania.  My father also worked for Penn Central and Conrail.  My father and his father worked out of Youngwood, PA, at one time a major yard on the PRR.  How I wish I had taken an interest in the railroad while growing up just a couple blocks away!  In the last 10 years, I have taken numerous train photos around much of the USA and a few in Canada.  I was fortunate to have a job that took me around much of the USA, and I used every moment of free time to photograph the local railroads.  I have had some exposure in railfan magazines, such as the late Railnews, Trains, The Railroad Press, and CTC Board.  (If you admire fine railfan photography, CTC Board is the best there is, in my opinion!)

     Please look over my assembled photos.


     Also, please log into
to check out some articles by rail photographers (myself included) as well as other photographic subjects.  Excellent content!

PHOTO GALLERYS BY SUBJECT RAILROAD - click each link below to enter
Amtrak / Commuter Burlington Northern Santa Fe Canadian National Canadian Paciific
Chicago Shortlines (2) Conrail CSX Illinois Central
Norfolk Southern Shortlines / Regionals (4) Southern Pacific Union Pacific
Wisconsin Central Steam

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