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Amtrak's Northeast Corridor

Metroliner and Regional Trains

Boston - New York - Washington

Includes all service from New Haven.

Southbound temporary weekend schedule effective July 1, 2005.

Reservations required on trains marked R. Call 1-800-USA-RAIL or visit for reservations and fare information.

Washington schedules offer additional New York - Philadelphia
and New York - Washington service.

Notice: Due to brake problems the Acela Express trainsets are out of service. In the interim Amtrak is operating hourly Metroliners between Washington and New York from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm. See the Amtrak Website for additional alternative connections.

[Return to schedule index]

Train Name                                      Metro-                              
                             Regional Regional   liner  Regional Regional Regional
Train Number                   R143     R195     R2251    R145      R99     R161 
Days of Operation              Sa/Su    Sa/Su     Sa      Sa/Su    Sa/Su    Sa/Su
Will also Operate              5/30     5/30     5/29     5/30     5/30     5/30
                              7/4,9/5  7/4,9/5  7/3,9/4  7/4,9/5  7/4,9/5  7/4,9/5
                   miles                                                        .
Boston, MA 
   South Station      0  Dp    5:45a    6:40a    8:00a             8:40a    9:40a 
   Back Bay           1      P 5:50a  P 6:45a  P 8:05a           P 8:45a  P 9:45a 
Route 128, MA        11      P 6:00a  P 6:55a  P 8:16a           P 8:55a  P 9:55a
Providence, RI       43        6:25a    7:20a    8:38a             9:20a   10:20a
Kingston, RI         70        ----     7:41a    ----     From     9:41a   10:41a
Westerly, RI         87        ----     7:56a    ----    Spgfld    9:56a    ---- 
Mystic, CT           96        ----     ----     ----             10:06a    ----  
New London, CT      105        7:15a    8:16a    ----             10:20a   11:14a 
Old Saybrook, CT    123                 8:35a    ----              ----    11:33a
New Haven, CT       156  Ar    8:09a    9:08a   10:13a   10:30a   11:08a   12:08p
                         Dp    8:11a    9:11a   10:15a   10:41a   11:11a   12:11p
Bridgeport, CT      173        8:31a    9:31a    ----    11:01a   11:31a   12:31p
Stamford, CT        195        8:56a    9:56a   10:57a   11:26a   11:56a   12:56p 
New Rochelle, NY    212        9:15a   10:15a    ----    11:45a   12:15p    1:15p 
New York, NY        231  Ar    9:50a   10:50a   11:45a   12:20p   12:50p    1:50p
                         Dp   10:05a   11:05a   12:00n   12:52p    1:05p    2:05p 
Newark, NJ          241       10:23a   11:22a   12:16p    1:12p    1:22p    2:22p
Newark Int'l Apt.   244       10:28a   11:27a    ----     ----     1:27p    2:27p 
Metropark, NJ       255       10:40a   11:39a   12:29p    ----     1:39p    2:39p 
Trenton, NJ         289       11:04a   12:01p    ----     ----     2:02p    3:01p
Philadelphia, PA    322  Ar   11:31a   12:29p    1:15p    2:12p    2:29p    3:28p
                         Dp   11:34a   12:32p    1:17p    2:14p    2:32p    3:31p 
Wilmington, DE      347       11:56a   12:54p    1:38p    2:37p    2:54p    3:53p 
Aberdeen, MD        386        ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     4:21p
Baltimore, MD       416       12:43p    1:42p    2:22p    3:25p    3:42p    4:44p 
BWI Airport, MD     427       12:56p    1:55p    2:35p    3:38p    3:55p    4:57p 
New Carrollton MD   448      D 1:09p  D 2:09p    ----   D 3:51p    4:09p  D 5:10p
Washington, DC      457  Ar    1:30p    2:30p    3:05p    4:10p    4:30p    5:30p

D -- Stops only to discharge passengers.
P -- Stops only to pick up passengers.
R -- Reservations required, See your travel agent or call 1-800-USA-RAIL.

[Top of this page] [Return trip] [Other Northeast Corridor schedules] [Other Amtrak schedules]

Train Name               Metro-                      Ver-
                          liner  Regional Regional  monter
Train Number              R2253    R163     R135      R57 
Days of Operation         Sa/Su    Sa/Su     Su      Sa/Su  
Will also Operate         5/30     5/30     5/30     5/30 
                         7/4,9/5  7/4,9/5  7/4,9/5  7/4,9/5 

Boston, MA
  South Sta.             11:00a   11:40a    1:45p        
  Back Bay          Dp  P11:05a  P11:45a  P 1:50p        
Route 128, MA           P11:16a  P11:55a  P 2:00p        
Providence, RI           11:38a   12:20p    2:25p          
Kingston, RI              ----    12:41p    2:46p        
Westerly, RI              ----    12:56p    ----     From  
Mystic, CT                ----     ----     ----    Vermont 
New London, CT            ----     1:17p    3:19p         
Old Saybrook, CT          ----     1:36p    ----        
New Haven, CT       Ar    1:13p    2:09p    4:09p    4:21p 
                    Dp    1:15p    2:11p    4:11p    4:41p 
Bridgeport, CT            ----     2:31p    4:31p    5:01p
Stamford, CT              1:57p    2:56p    4:56p    5:28p  
New Rochelle              ----     3:15p    5:15p    ----  
New York            Ar    2:45p    3:50p    5:45p    6:25p 
                    Dp    3:00p    4:05p    6:05p    6:55p 
Newark, NJ                3:16p    4:22p    6:22p    7:12p 
Newark Int'l Apt          ----     4:27p    6:27p    7:17p 
Metropark, NJ             3:29p    4:39p    6:38p    7:31p 
Trenton, NJ               ----     5:01p    7:00p    7:53p  
Philadelphia, PA    Ar    4:15p    5:29p    7:27p    8:21p 
                    Dp    4:17p    5:32p    7:30p    8:24p 
Wilmington, DE            4:38p    5:54p    7:52p    8:45p 
Newark, DE                ----     ----     8:02p    ----   
Aberdeen, MD              ----     ----     8:22p    ----  
Baltimore, MD             5:22p    6:42p    8:46p    9:32p 
BWI Airport, MD           5:35p    6:55p    8:58p    9:45p  
New Carrollton, MD        ----   D 7:08p  D 9:11p  D 9:59p 
Washington, DC       Ar   6:05p    7:30p    9:30p   10:20p 

D -- Stops only to discharge passengers.
P -- Stops only to pick up passengers.
R -- Reservations required, see your travel agent or call 1-800-USA-RAIL. 

[Top of this page] [Return trip] [Other Northeast Corridor schedules] [Other Amtrak schedules]

Train Name                        Metro-
                        Regional   liner  Regional Regional Regional
Train Number              R165     R2259    R167      197      R67
Days of Operation         Sa/Su     Su      Sa/Su    Sa/Su    Daily
Will also Operate         5/30     5/30     5/30     5/30
                         7/4,9/5  7/4,9/5  7/4,9/5  7/4,9/5 
Will not Operate                   5/29
Boston, MA
  South Sta.        Dp    3:05p    4:00p    4:40p    6:40p    9:45p
  Back Bay              P 3:10p  P 4:05p  P 4:45p  P 6:45p  P 9:50p
Route 128, MA           P 3:29p  P 4:16p  P 4:55p  P 6:55p  P10:00p
Providence, RI            3:45p    4:38p    5:20p    7:20p   10:25p
Kingston, RI              4:06p    ----     5:41p    7:41p  P10:46p
Westerly, RI              4:21p    ----     5:56p    ----    11:01p
Mystic, CT                4:31p    ----     ----     8:04p   11:12p
New London, CT            4:45p    ----     6:17p    8:18p   11:25p
Old Saybrook, CT          5:04p    ----     6:36p    8:37p   11:46p
New Haven, CT       Ar    5:38p    6:13p    7:09p    9:09p   12:20a
                    Dp    5:41p    6:15p    7:11p    9:11p   12:26a
Bridgeport, CT            6:01p    ----     7:31p    9:31p    ----
Stamford, CT              6:26p    6:57p    7:56p    9:56p    1:12a
New Rochelle, NY          6:45p    ----     8:15p   10:15p    ----
New York, NY        Ar    7:20p    7:45p    8:50p   10:50p    2:01a
                    Dp    7:55p    8:00p    9:05p   11:05p    3:00a
Newark, NJ                8:12p    8:16p    9:22p   11:22p    3:20a
Newark Int'l Apt          8:17p    ----     9:27p    ----     ----
Metropark, NJ             8:32p    8:29p    9:39p   11:35p    3:36a
Trenton, NJ               8:54p    ----    10:01p   11:57p    4:03a
Philadelphia, PA    Ar    9:22p    9:15p   10:29p   12:25a    4:35a
                    Dp    9:25p    9:17p   10:32p             4:50a
Wilmington, DE            9:47p    9:38p   10:54p             5:13a
Baltimore, MD            10:35p   10:22p   11:42a             6:10a
BWI Airport, MD          10:48p   10:35p   11:55a             6:23a
New Carrollton, MD      D11:02p    ----   D12:09a           L 6:44a
Washington, DC      Ar   11:20p   11:05p   12:30a             7:00a

D -- Stops only to discharge passengers.
P -- Stops only to pick up passengers.
R -- Reservations required, see your travel agent or call 1-800-USA-RAIL.

[Top of this page] [Return trip] [Other Northeast Corridor schedules] [Other Amtrak schedules]

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