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Amtrak California's Auburn and Sacramento Thruway Bus Connections

Schedules effective January 23 to February 4, 2005.

Click here for November 17 schedules.

Connecting service to:

Station stops are the Amtrak station unless otherwise noted.

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Sacramento - Carson City

Bus Number                           3422     3434     3444
Days of operation                    Daily    Daily    Daily   

Capitol Connecting Train           522,720   534,734  544/744
San Joaquin Connecting Train        TR711     TR713    TR717
Sacramento, CA                 Dp  C 9:55a  C 4:00p  C 9:00p
Placerville -  Station             D11:00a  D 5:10p  D10:05p
Tahoe Wye - South Y Transit Ctr.   D12:20p  D 6:30p  D11:25p
Stateline - Harvey's                12:30p  D 6:40p   11:35p
Carson City, NV -  The Nugget  Ar             7:10p         

C -- Train - bus connection is guaranteed.
D -- Stops only to discharge passengers.
R -- All reserved train.
T -- San Joaquin connection via Thruway Bus from Stockton.

Operated by Frontier.

Carson City - Sacramento

Bus Number                          3437     3487     3445     3451
Days of operation                   XSSH      SSH     Daily    Daily 
Carson City, NV - The Nugget  Dp    8:00a    8:40a     
Stateline - Harvey's                8:40a    9:20a   12:50p    5:15p 
Tahoe Wye - South Y Transit Ctr.    8:45a    9:25a   12:55p    5:20p 
Placerville - Station              10:05a   10:45a    2:15p    6:40p 
Sacramento, CA                Ar  C11:25a  C11:55a  C 3:35p  C 7:55p

Capitol Connecting Train             537      737    545,745  551/751
San Joaquin Connecting Train        TR716    TR716    R704    

C -- Bus - train connection is guaranteed.
D -- Stops only to discharge passengers.
R -- All reserved train.
SSH- Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays.
T -- San Joaquin connection via Thruway Bus to Stockton.
XSSH Except Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays.

Operated by Frontier.

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Sacramento - Nevada City

Bus Number                        3634     3638     3692
Days of Operation                 XSSH     XSSH      SSH

Capitol Connecting Train           534      538      742
San Joaquin Connecting Train      TR713             TR715
Sacramento, CA              Dp BC 4:00p    5:25p BC 7:32p
Roseville                   Ar BD 4:35p    5:46p BD 8:00p
Rocklin                        BD 4:45p    5:54p BD 8:10p
Auburn - Nevada Sta.        Ar BD 5:00p  C 6:30p BD 8:30p
                            Dp           B 6:35p         
Grass Valley - City Hall       BD 5:30p  B 7:05p BD 9:00p
Nevada City - Express Mart  Ar  B 5:40p  B 7:15p  B 9:10p

B -- Thruway Bus.
C -- Train-bus connection guaranteed.
D -- Stops only to discharge passengers.
SSH- Operates Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays.
T -- San Joaquin connection is via Sacramento bus from Stockton.
XSSH Operates daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays.
Operated by Frontier Tours.

Nevada City - Sacramento

Bus Number                        3627     3631     3587     3603     3653
Days of Operation                 XSSH     XSSH      SSH     XSSH      SSH
Nevada City - Express Mart  Dp  B 5:35a  B 6:55a  B 9:50a  B 8:45p  B 9:45p
Grass Valley - City Hall        B 5:50a  B 7:10a  B10:05a  B 9:00p  B10:00p
Auburn - Nevada Sta.        Ar  B 6:20a       
                            Dp  C 6:35a  B 7:40a  B10:35a  B 9:30p  B10:30p
Rocklin                           6:58a  B 7:55a    ----     ----     ----
Roseville                         7:08a  B 8:20a  B11:05a  B 9:55p  B10:55p
Sacramento, CA              Ar    7:37a BC 8:55a BC11:45a BC10:30p BC11:30p 

Capitol Connecting Train           527      531      737       S      S
San Joaquin Connecting Train      TR712    TR714    TR716 

B -- Thruway bus
C -- Bus - train connection guaranteed.
D -- Stops only to discharge passengers.
SSH- Operates Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays.
S -- Train connection is the northbound all reserved Coast Starlight, train 14.
T -- San Joaquin connection is via Sacramento bus to Stockton.
XSSH Operates daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays.

Operated by Frontier Tours.

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Redding - Sacramento - Stockton

Bus Number                      R3802    R3812  R37/R3814 R37/3816  R3804    R3704  R37/3818
Days of Operation               Daily    Daily    Daily    Daily    Daily    Daily    Daily 
Redding - Transit Ctr.    Dp                    B 6:30a  B 9:55a           B12:05p  B 2:35p
Red Bluff - Holiday Mkt.                        B 7:05a  B10:30a           B12:40p  B 3:10p
Corning - Transit Center                        B 7:30a  B10:55a           B 1:05p  B 3:35p
Chico                                           B 8:10a  B11:35a           B 1:45p  B 4:15p
Oroville - Park & Ride                          B 8:45a  B12:10p           B 2:20p  B 4:50p
Marysville - Eagles Nest                        B 9:20a  B12:45p           B 2:55p  B 5:25p
Suisan/Fairfield          Dp  B 5:10a            
Davis                         B 5:55a  B 7:25a  Q 9:45a  Q12:55p  B 3:35p    ----     ----
Sacramento                Ar  bB6:25a bB 7:55a bZ10:20a bB 1:45p bB 4:05p bB 3:55p bB 6:25p

Connecting Capitol Trains                       733,533  541,741  545,745  545,745  549,751
Connecting Thruway Bus          R3852    R3862    R3864    R3866    R3854    R3854    R3868
Sacramento                Dp  B 6:30a  B 8:00a  B10:25a  B 1:50p  B 4:10p  B 4:10p  B 6:30p
Lodi                            ----     ----   B11:05a    ----     ----     ----     ----
Stockton -    Amtrak Sta. Ar  B 7:20a  B 9:00a  B11:35a  B 2:40p  B 5:00p  B 5:00p  B 7:20p
                          Dp  B 7:25a  B 9:10a  B11:45a  B 2:45p  B 5:05p  B 5:05p  B 7:30p
Merced                          ----     ----     ----     ----   B 6:20p  B 6:20p    ----
Fresno                    Ar CB 9:35a CB11:20a CB 1:55p CB 4:55p CB 7:25p CB 7:25p CB 9:40p

Connecting San Joaquins         R702    R712      R714     R716     R704              R718

B -- Thruway Bus
b -- Bus - bus connection guaranteed.
C -- Train - bus connection guaranteed.
Q -- This stop is a different bus.
R -- All reserved train or bus.
U -- Bus R3832 operates Lodi to Stockton.
Z -- Bus also connects at Sacramento with the eastbound California Zephyr, train 6.
Operated by Frontier Tours.

Stockton - Sacramento - Redding

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Bus Number                       R3711    R3811    R3801    R3701    R3813    R3715
Days of Operation                Daily    Daily    Daily    Daily    Daily    Daily

Connecting San Joaquins          R711     R711     R701     R701     R713     R715
Connecting Thruway Bus           R3861    R3861    R3851    R3851    R3863    R3865
Fresno                    Dp   B 6:55a  B 6:55a  B 9:15a  B 9:15a  B12:25p  B 3:25p
Merced                           ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     ----
Stockton - Amtrak Sta.    Ar   B 8:55a  B 8:55a  B11:35a  B11:35a  B 2:25p  B 5:25p
                          Dp   B 9:00a  B 9:00a  B11:40a  B11:40a  B 2:30p  B 5:30p
Lodi                          BM 9:15a BM 9:15a  B11:55a  B11:55a  B 2:45p    ---- 
Sacramento                Ar   B10:00a  B10:00a  B12:30p  B12:30p  B 3:35p  B 6:20p

Connecting Capitol Trains      522,720  533/733           528,728   545,745  538,738
Sacramento                Dp bBC 9:55a bB10:05a bB12:35p bB 1:00p  B 3:40p CB 6:25p 
Davis                     Ar            B10:30a    1:00p           B 4:05p          
Marysville - Eagles Nest      BD10:55a                   BD 2:00p          BD 7:25p 
Oroville - Park & Ride        BD11:30a                   BD 2:35p          BD 8:00p   
Chico                         BD11:59a                   BD 3:05p          BD 8:30p   
Corning - Transit Center      BD12:35p                   BD 3:40p          BD 9:05p     
Red Bluff - Holiday Mkt.      BD 1:00p                   BD 4:05p          BD 9:30p  
Redding - Transit Ctr.    Ar   B 1:30p                    B 4:35p           B10:00p

Bus Number                       R3815    R3717    R3817    R3803 
Days of Operation                Daily    Daily    Daily    Daily 

Connecting San Joaquins          R715     R717     R717     R703
Connecting thruway Bus           R3865    R3867    R3867    R3853
Fresno                    Dp   B 3:25p  B 5:55p  B 5:55p  B 7:45p
Merced                           ----     ----     ----   B 8:55p
Stockton - Amtrak Sta.    Ar   B 5:25p  B 8:00p  B 8:00p  B10:10p
                          Dp   B 5:30p  B 8:05p  B 8:05p  B10:15p
Lodi                             ----  DB 8:20p DB 8:20p  D10:30p
Sacramento - Amtrak Sta.  Ar   B 6:20p  B 8:55p  B 8:55p  B11:00p
Connecting Capitol Trains         549   544/744  544/744                  
Sacramento                Dp  bB 6:25p BC 9:00p  B 9:05p bB11:05p
Davis                     Ar   B 6:50p           B 9:30p DB11:25p
Suisan/Fairfield          Ar                     B11:45p  B11:45p
Marysville - Eagles Nest               BD 9:55p
Oroville - Park & Ride                 BD10:30p
Chico                                  BD11:00p
Corning - Transit Center               BD11:35p
Red Bluff - Holiday Mkt.               BD11:59p
Redding - Transit Ctr.    Ar            B12:30a                  

b -- Bus - bus connection grauanteed.
C -- Train - bus connection guaranteed.
D -- Stops only to discharge passengers.
E -- Drop off on request at State Capitol Building.  Driver must be 
     notified before leaving Stockton.
M -- Bus stops at Lodi to discharge passengers and to pick up passengers
     connecting with other trains at Sacramento.
R -- All reserved train or bus.
X -- Bus-bus connection guaranteed.  Bus departs 5 minutes after train arrival.

Operated by Frontier Tours.

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