An Unofficial Website Last Updated November 26, 2005



Tickets, Timetables, etc.

Viewliner Information

Viewliner Roster and Deployment

Trip Reports



What's New on Amtrak Online

11/26/05- Metro North Railroad Photo Page re-established
11/3/05- This page updated
8/9/05- Amtrak Company Car Photo Page updated
7/5/05- Metro Photo Page Restored with November 2004 Photos
6/23/05- Part 2 of my November 2004 Acela Trip has been posted, look for part 3 soon

I know it has been a while since I've last updated the site, but rest assured, I'm working to update it.  I'm nearly done with part 3 of the Washington DC trip report.  I've been very busy, as it this is my senior year and I've had college applications among other things to work on.  Anyway, I'm almost done with them, so look for Part 3 to be posted within the next week or two.  I'm finally back to updating my site!!!  Look for improvements to the site as I'm now using MS FrontPage 2003.  I'll be adding the remainder of my November Acela and Regional Trip to Washington, and my recent trips to Florida. 

HHP-8 #663 hauls the southbound Silver Star #91 into Newark Penn Station, New Jersey on April 2, 2004.  This locomotive was stored dead in early 2005 due to a variety of problems.