Amtrak Photos

Displaying the Magnificent Scenery of Amtrak's Western Long-Distance Trains

Support Organizations Working To Preserve & Expand This Uniquely Relaxing & Scenic Way Of Seeing America

National Association of Railroad Passengers


Link to other state & regional rail passenger advocacy organizations 


If you value this type of transportation and the freedom to enjoy travel choices, please consider joining the NARP and your local or regional rail passenger group. They are working to expand your travel choices and provide more passenger train service.




California Zephyr
(Chicago-Omaha-Lincoln-Denver-Salt Lake City-
Reno-Sacramento-San Francisco)


Southwest Chief
 (Chicago-Kansas City-Topeka-Albuquerque-
Flagstaff-Los Angeles)




Coast Starlight
 (Los Angeles - Seattle)


Sunset Limited
 (Los Angeles - Phoenix - San Antonio - Houston -
New Orleans - Jacksonville - Orlando)



Texas Eagle

Chicago - St. Louis - Little Rock -Dallas - Fort Worth - Austin - San Antonio


Empire Builder
(Chicago - Minneapolis - Glacier National Park - Seattle/ Portland)




Missouri Service - Ann Rutledge/ Missouri Mules
(Kansas City-St. Louis)

MOKSRail link- Support MO-KS rail passenger service


Heartland Flyer
 (Oklahoma City- Fort Worth)


Featured Pictures & New Additions




Photos by Doug Ohlemeier, except where otherwise indicated or linked.

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