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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/arkansastrains.

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Starts slideshow [DoubleClick to change speed]
Stops slideshow [DoubleClick to change speed]
Download current file. Right click and choose "Save target as..." to download the image or movie to your disk.
Warning: the current picture's resolution is less than 800px - i.e. too small to print.
Keyboard navigation shortcuts
Backspace Up one directory level or back to the index page.
Left arrow Previous index / slide page
Rigth arrow Next index / slide page
Enter From the index page: goes to the first displayable picture and starts the slideshow
Space Starts / stops slideshow. [If you are on an index page the slide show will rotate the index pages, not the slides!]
Home Go to first index / slide page
End Go to last index / slide page
Navigation on the slide pictures
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in new window
[if exists]
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