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Also for the first time in budget concerns of this nature, the Texas Eagle was not threatened with discontinuance, but in fact was recommended for expansion from quad-weekly to daily service between Chicago, Little Rock, and San Antonio. On May 21, 2000, daily service was indeed restored to the Eagle route for the first time in over seven years. In order to obtain host railroad approval for daily service, Amtrak was forced to accept Union Pacific Railroad's demand for directional running between Texarkana and Big Sandy, Texas. Because of this detour of train #21 over the former Cotton Belt route, it was necessary to establish connecting bus service in lieu of westbound train service to Marshall and Longview, Texas.
Amtrak was expected to begin an extensive car rehabilitation program, to return currently idle equipment to service, thus providing equipment for some additional trains or expanded capacity on existing routes. It was also anticipated that a substantial order for new long-distance passenger cars would be placed within the next 12 months. Unfortunately, as of January 2001, neither of these expectations have been met, resulting in much adverse speculation about Amtrak's future plans for the long-distance trains.
Other proposed service changes outlined by the MBNA study included a rerouting of the Sunset Limited from Houston to Dallas, Fort Worth, Abilene, Midland/Odessa, and El Paso, ending service between Houston, San Antonio and El Paso. Also, a new branch from the New York-New Orleans Crescent is planned to begin operation from Meridian, MS to Fort Worth, TX, via Vicksburg and Jackson MS, and Monroe and Shreveport, LA. Both routes will connect with the Eagle and the Heartland Flyer at Fort Worth. Yet another new route, the Aztec Eagle is planned for operation between San Antonio TX and Monterrey, Mexico. Because of difficult negotiations with the host railroads involved, no dates have been announced for these service changes.
Further details will be posted as information becomes available. To read Amtrak's official news release covering this expansion report, visit the News section of Amtrak's web site.