Welcome to Amtrak Prototype & Model in its latest format! Since the last re-design took place in December 2001, it was due for another one. Along with the new look, I have also improved the organization of the information and galleries. I hope to add some new features to the Models section, since there is still potential for this site to be a great resource for railfans and modelers.

The buttons on the graphical menu to the left will take you to the various sections of this site. Incidentally, the icons and colors were inspired by Amtrak's latest paint scheme.

Latest Update: New photos and text on the Models page!

Many viewers will notice that my site does not get updated as frequently as it once did. The combination of being a college student and also spending most of my free time working on Microsoft Train Simulator projects has kept me away from this part of the hobby. I am no longer drawing Train GIFs, but I will continue to make my collection available online. Someday this site may become more active again, but in the meantime I thank you for visiting, and I encourage you to continue to do so.

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