The Deutsche Bahn A.G., formerly known as the Deutsche Bundesbahn, DB for short, is home to such equipment as the ICE trainset and many interesting electrics. I will feature several different paint schemes here, such as Orientrot (literally: Orient Red) and Verkehrsrot (Transportation Red). The Class 110 electrics are divided into two categories: "Kasten" (Box), which have a boxy shape, and "Buegelfalte" (Aero?), which have more streamlined ends.


Gifs (Left - Right) Description Notes
- Class 110 Electric "Kasten", Orientrot New, 10/24/00!
- Class 110 Electric "Kasten", Verkehrsrot New, 10/24/00!
- Class 110 Electric "Kasten", Ozeanblau-Beige New, 10/25/00!
- Class 110 Electric "Kasten", Blau New, 10/25/00!
- Class 110 Electric "Buegelfalte", Rot-Beige New, 10/25/00!
- Class 140 Electric, Cargo Service New, 10/25/00!

Passenger Cars

Gifs (Left - Right) Description Notes
Avmz 1st Class Coach, Verkehrsrot New, 10/24/00!
Avmz 2nd Class Coach, Orientrot New, 10/24/00!

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