AMD-103 Genesis

Beginning in 1993, Amtrak took delivery of a new type of diesel locomotive dubbed the Genesis series and designated AMD-103 (Amtrak Diesel, geared for 103 mph). Three models are contained in this series: the P40BH, P32AC-DM, and P42DC.

The P40BH, the first locomotive in the series, develops 4000 horsepower. Its distinctive features originally included a fade-out stripe in the Phase III scheme, an extra rear hostler window to help with switching, a black post between the windshield panes, and strobe lights above the windows. However, many of the P40s are now in Phase IV paint with a silver windshield post, while the rear window and strobe lights have been removed, making them appear identical to the P42s. Like those newer units, some of them have been repainted into Amtrak's Phase V "wave" livery. The P40s are numbered in the 800 series.

The P32AC-DM was the second type of locomotive to be delivered. These Dual-Mode engines can operate using their diesel power plant or third rail electrical pickup, which is required in the tunnels under New York City. The as-built features, like those of the P40s, included a fade-out stripe, black windshield post, and the rear hostler window. A second order of P32s was received a couple of years later with the current features of Phase IV paint and a silver windshield post, though a hostler window was still present. Recently, some have been repainted into the Phase V paint scheme. The P32s are numbered in the 700-719 series.

The P42DC is the third and most recent type of AMD-103. Basically, this model is an upgrade from the P40BH, developing 4250 horsepower. The P42s came with solid Phase III stripes, a silver window post, and no rear hostler window. They have appeared in two versions of the Phase IV paint: the Northeast Direct type with a gray roof, and the Intercity type with a silver roof. Also, many additional P42s have been delivered in the Phase V paint scheme, distinguished by its wavy separation lines and large numerals. The P42 numbering series starts at 1 and continues up to 207, which forced the renumbering of the 190-series GP40TCs.

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P32AC-DM no. 701 approaches the station at Saratoga Springs with a northbound Adirondack. 7/96 Saratoga Springs, NY
At first glance, the P32s appear to be identical to the P40s and P42s. However, there are a number of key differences, including third-rail pickup shoes on the trucks. 7/96 Saratoga Springs, NY
The stripes on Phase III Genesis units are at an odd height that does not match that of any of the passenger cars. 7/96 Saratoga Springs, NY
P32 no. 701 presents its broad-side view, showing just how long these diesels are compared to the F40PHs. 7/96 Saratoga Springs, NY
The rear radiator grilles are taller and in a slightly different location from the P40 and P42. Also, there are some extra underbody boxes that necessitated shortening of the fuel tank and side skirt. 7/96 Saratoga Springs, NY
The 701 pulls away with its Montréal-bound train. 7/96 Saratoga Springs, NY
Amtrak P32AC-DM no. 704 arrives at the Albany-Rensselaer station with the westbound Maple Leaf. 4/16/02 Rensselaer, NY
No, this isn't about to be a standoff between the 704 and 711! Note the position of the switch in front of 704. 4/16/02 Rensselaer, NY
The 704 departs with its train, passing under a long road bridge that spans several yard tracks. 4/16/02 Rensselaer, NY
Just in from Albany with a southbound Empire Service train is #705. 8/9/04 Hudson, NY
Along with many of the other Genesis diesels, 705 now sports Amtrak's latest Phase V livery. 8/9/04 Hudson, NY
After releasing the brakes, the 705 is now on its way to New York City. 8/9/04 Hudson, NY
P32AC-DM #709 swings around the curve as it approaches the station at Hudson. This Empire Service train is bound for Albany. 8/9/04 Hudson, NY
The 710 and its train sit inside the shop being serviced on a cold winter day. 12/21/04 Rensselaer, NY
P32 no. 711 sits silently under the bridge at the near end of Amtrak's Albany-Rensselaer yard. 4/16/02 Rensselaer, NY
A close-up of the forward roof details on the 711. Also visible are a passing CSX train and the Boston-bound Lake Shore Limited as it prepares to board passengers. 4/16/02 Rensselaer, NY
Arriving at the Amtrak station in Rome is no. 712 with its westbound Empire Service train in tow. 7/98 Rome, NY
P32AC-DM no. 712, in the Northeast Direct paint scheme, sits near the service facility at Albany-Rensselaer. 4/16/02 Rensselaer, NY
The 715 glides to a stop in Hudson with a Niagara Falls-bound Empire Service train. 8/9/04 Hudson, NY
Amtrak #715 is one of the second order of P32s, now displaying the latest paint scheme. 8/9/04 Hudson, NY
The dual-mode P32AC-DMs have much more underbody equipment than their straight-diesel cousins. 8/9/04 Hudson, NY
Seen from a wooden road bridge above the tracks, 715 prepares to depart for points west. 8/9/04 Hudson, NY
The roofline of a P32 is slightly different than that of a P40 or P42. 8/9/04 Hudson, NY
No. 810 is on the north end of the new Downeaster train, having just arrived from Portland in Boston's North Station. This is the first Amtrak service to use this station. 1/17/02 Boston, MA
A closeup of the front pilot on 810, showing the many hoses and connections. 1/17/02 Boston, MA
A view into the rear side window of the 810. This appears to be the HEP generator. 1/17/02 Boston, MA
The inside of the rear end. There was formerly a hostler window next to the center one. 1/17/02 Boston, MA
The 812 arrives in Rochester with a westbound Maple Leaf as a CSX intermodal train pulls through. 6/25/02 Rochester, NY
P40BH no. 812 is currently painted in the Intercity version of Phase IV, which is all silver with a dark gray roof. The stripes now match the Amfleet cars nicely. 6/25/02 Rochester, NY
Since the rear hostler windows on Phase IV P40s have been removed, there are no visual distinctions between them and the Intercity P42s. 6/25/02 Rochester, NY
P40BH no. 837, looking sharp in its Phase IV paint, sits alone in Boston's South Station. This spot is usually ocupied by a GP40H. 1/3/02 Boston, MA
The rear hostler window was formerly located to the left of the door window. Amtrak engines have many air and electrical hoses for multiple-unit operation, push-pull control, and to supply electricity to the passenger cars. 1/3/02 Boston, MA
P42DC no. 12, repainted into the Phase IV paint scheme, brings the eastbound Lake Shore Limited into the Albany-Rensselaer station for boarding. 4/16/02 Rensselaer, NY
P42 #64, trailing no. 15, waits in Boston with the westbound Lake Shore Limited. 1999 Boston, MA
No. 76 helps bring the westbound Pennsylvanian around Horseshoe Curve as a crowd of tourists and railfans look on. 6/30/02 Horseshoe Curve, PA
The 145, delivered in the early version of the Phase V scheme, rounds Horseshoe Curve with the Pennsylvanian. Note that no. 76 behind it wears the modified paint scheme. 6/30/02 Horseshoe Curve, PA
Having arrived nearly 10 hours late with train 48, the eastbound Lake Shore Limited, #166 has just parked in the yard for the night. 12/21/04 Rensselaer, NY
P42DC no. 180 departs from Boston's South Station with the westbound Lake Shore Limited. 6/20/02 Boston, MA
The 180 awaits service inside the warm shop on this cold day. 12/21/04 Rensselaer, NY
Proudly displaying Amtrak's Phase V "wave" paint scheme - the revised version - is P42DC no. 181. 4/16/02 Rensselaer, NY
Now covered by a large bus station, the platforms at South Station were once open-air. P42 no. 204 waits to depart with the westbound Lake Shore Limited. 6/20/02 Boston, MA
After being given the go-ahead, 204 slowly begins to pull away with its train. 6/20/02 Boston, MA
The 204 is one of the most recently delivered P42DCs. Having started at 1, numbering currently stops at 207. 6/20/02 Boston, MA
With over 100 Phase V P42s on Amtrak's roster, they are a common sight on longer trains, especially doubleheading elephant-style as seen here. 6/20/02 Boston, MA