Miscellaneous Photos

  Often, when on vacation, I'll take photos of any train I see, instead of just photographing Amtrak or passenger equipment. Usually the reason I do so is because the trains I see belong to a different freight railroad than the one I'm used to seeing in Boston - CSX. Or, if the railroad is the same, the equipment may be different. And, of course, every once in a while there will be a sight that is just plain unusual.  


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This counts as an "unusual" photo - I was just hoping for some train to cross this bridge while I was in the area. This railroad bridge, on a former Conrail mainline, crosses a deep gorge at Letchworth State Park. I sure was glad to see this Norfolk Southern train appear.

6/24/02 Genessee County, NY  

The Genessee & Wyoming (county, not state) services this large industry in Genessee County. Unfortunately my only chance at a photograph was from the highway that passes by.

6/25/02 Genessee County, NY  

The Amtrak station at Rochester sees CSX freights every twenty minutes, or so it seems.

6/25/02 Rochester, NY  

I never thought I'd see a GP30 (leftmost unit) in active service, least of all in CSX colors, and I may be right, as I think it's actually been converted to some sort of road slug.

6/25/02 Rochester, NY  

CSX no. 639 is an example of the most powerful engines on the rails today. The GE AC6000CW, or C60AC in CSX lingo, develops 6000 horsepower. Here it's pulling a long but not fully-loaded intermodal train.

6/25/02 Rochester, NY  

The 5003 is also a C60AC, although I don't know why their numbers are so different. Perhaps one was a "convertible," delivered originally with less horsepower and then upgraded when the new power plant was available.

6/25/02 Rochester, NY  

This Norfolk Southern intermodal train is powered by five big diesels, although likely not all actually have their engines on.

6/30/02 Horseshoe Curve, PA  

The lead unit appears to be a GE Dash 9, while a hard-working EMD SD60 trails it.

6/30/02 Horseshoe Curve, PA  

The other three units are an ex-Conrail Dash 8, another Dash 9, and an ex-Conrail SD50, which has older Flex-i-coil sideframes, following Conrail's preferences.

6/30/02 Horseshoe Curve, PA  

Another rare sight that I simply had to photograph - one of the Pennsylvania's great GG-1 electrics. These giants developed 8000 horsepower and saw service into the early Amtrak days. They were probably most famous for pulling the flagship Broadway Limited.

6/30/02 Altoona, PA  

Though there is no catenary in sight, the GG-1's pantograph is up, as if it were anxious to get back under the overhead. Behind it is a typical Pennsy Railway Post Office car.

6/30/02 Altoona, PA  

Here at the Railroaders' Memorial Museum in Altoona, several Pennsy passenger cars are on display. At front is another RPO, and behind it are a pair of streamlined cars. The tuscan-red car at left may have been Broadway Ltd. equipment.

6/30/02 Altoona, PA  

The collection here at the museum is really quite miscellaneous. Note the observation car at the rear, behind the yellow switcher locomotive. The view is from a bridge that crosses the NS and mainline near the Amtrak station.

6/30/02 Altoona, PA  
