This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/asamtrakf40.
Coach/Baggage 31030
Unknown Coach/Baggage Car
Coach Smoking 31504
Coach Smoking 31513
Sleeping Car 32013
Sleeping Car 32036
Sleeping Car 32047
Sleeping Car 32115
Sightseer Lounge 33009
Sightseer Lounge 33012
Sightseer Lounge 33021
Coach 34033
Coach 34089
Transition Sleeper 39004
Transition Sleeper 39033
Transition Sleeper 39042
Transition Sleeper 39043 another pic of 39043
Truck of a Superliner 1
Coach/Baggage 31020 and Sleeping Car 32063
Ex-Santa Fe Hi-Level Cars
Coach 39958 another pic of Coach 39958
Sleeping Car 62004
Baggage and Express Cars
Roadrailer 460173
Other Photos
An overhead view from the Sears Tower of Amtrak's yard on the south side of Chicago Union Station.
Last Modified: 12/22/00